
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the common liaison errors made by Chinese learners of Korean, specifically focusing on the tendency to add redundant consonants, as identified in previous research. The primary aim is to verify prior findings that such errors, especially involving the addition of the same consonant, are particularly prevalent after the final /ㄴ/ consonant. The study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the influence of gender, region of origin, Korean proficiency, native language interference, and learners’ understanding of Korean phonological rules. Findings confirm that the addition of identical consonants in / ㄴ/ final consonant is indeed frequent and largely unaffected by learners’ region of origin or Korean proficiency level. However, female learners show a slightly higher error rate compared to male learners. Key contributing factors include differences in syllable structure and phonemic characteristics between Korean and Chinese, the impact of null consonants, and learners’ limited understanding of Korean syllable and consonant rules. These insights are valuable for Korean language educators in addressing phonological errors among Chinese-speaking learners.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to analyze geminate consonant errors(안에 [an.ɛ] → *안네[an.nɛ]) produced by Chinese learners during their acquisition of Korean linking sounds within the framework of Optimality Theory. The study was further intended to find possible constraints and causes applicable to the error. This paper argues that this error results from the interplay of the Align-R constraint, where the boundaries of a morpheme and syllable are aligned in the learner’s mother tongue, and the onset constraint, which is required for CV, a universal linguistic syllable. This study identifies the cause of the geminate consonant errors among Chinese leaners as the consequence of the simultaneous influences of interference from the learners’ native language and of linking sounds, which occur universally in linguistics.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine if Japanese and Chinese language learners of Korean, whose native language has a CV syllable structure, can apply the liaison rule when C2 of Korean the CVC syllable structure is followed by a vowel, where the application of liaison rule is necessary. For this purpose, Japanese and Chinese learners of Korean were divided into two groups by their Korean proficiency levels: beginner and advanced learners. Then the study examined if these learners can apply the Korean liaison rule in the sentence reading task. The result showed that learners in their higher proficiency level were able to apply the liaison rule better. The degree of increased application was more drastic, especially in the cases of Japanese learners. The performance varied by their native languages, it appears that Japanese learners better apply the liaison rule than Chinese learners. In addition, the result also differed by the familarity of the vocabularies used in the reading task. The liaison rule was used more accurately in more familiar vocabularies than less familiar vocabularies.