
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we collect water control valves that have had accidents due to existing cracks, etc. are collected, and propose investigation items for strengthening the valve structural safety evaluation through a series of analyzes from valve specifications to physicochemical properties are proposed. The results of this study are as follows. First, there was a large variation in the thickness of the body or flange of the valves to be investigated, which is considered to be very important factor, because it may affect the safety of the valve body against internal pressure and the flange connected with the bolt nut. Second, 60% of the valves under investigation had many voids in the valve body and flange, etc. and the decrease in thickness due to corrosion was relatively large on the inner surface in contact with water rather than the outer surface. It is judged that the investigation of depth included voids is very important factor. Third, all valves to be investigated are made of gray cast iron foam, and therefore it is judged that there is no major problem in chemical composition. It is judged that the chemical composition should be investigated. Fourth, as a physical investigation item, the analysis of metal morphology structure seems to be a very important factor for nodular cast iron from rather than a gray cast iron foam water valve with a flake structure. As it was found to be 46.7~68.8% of the standard recommended by KS, it could have a direct effect on damage such as cracks, and therefore it is judged that the evaluation of tensile strength is very important in evaluating the safety of the valve.