
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In KHNP CRI, the PTMs (plasma torch melting system) was developed as a treatment technology of a wide variety of radioactive wastes generated by nuclear power plants. The facility is made of melting zone, thermal decomposition zone, melt discharge zone, waste feeding device, MMI, and offgas treatment system. In this study, demonstration test was conducted using NaOH solution as liquid waste to evaluation the applicability of the PTM system. For demonstration test of NaOH solution treatment, the plasma melting zone is sufficiently pre-heated by the plasma torch for 5 hours. The temperature inside the plasma melting zone is about 1,600°C. The NaOH solution as simulant was put into the thermal decomposition zone by the spray feeding device with the throughput of maximum 30 liter/hour. During the test, the power of plasma torch is about 100 kW on the transferred mode. The 160 liters of liquid waste was treated for 500 minutes. After the demonstration test, the final product in the form of salt was remained in the melting zone, and the disposal of the final product are still under consideration.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In KHNP CRI, the 100 kW PTM (plasma torch melting) system was designed for the treatment and disposal technology of various radioactive wastes including the metal, concrete, liquid waste and insulator. The facility consists of melting chamber, thermal decomposition chamber, waste feeding system and off-gas treatment system. In this study, to evaluate the applicability of the PTM system, demonstration test was conducted using the radiation hazmat suit as combustible waste. The plasma melting chamber is pre-heated by 2nd combustion device and plasma torch for 5 hours. The temperature inside the plasma melting chamber is approximately 1,600°C. The combustible waste was put into the melting chamber by the pusher feeding device with the throughput of maximum 50 kg/hour. During the test, the power of plasma torch is 60–96 kW on the transferred mod. It was evaluated in terms of long-term integrity of PTM system on operation according to the waste throughput ratio.