In 2018, media reports raised issues related to radon released from building materials used as finishing materials in apartment houses. Accordingly, related ministries recommended not to use materials with a radiation index value exceeding 1. In order to calculate the radioactivity index, not only 226Ra producing radon (222Rn) but also 232Th and 40K radioactivity concentrations are required. To determine the concentration of the radionuclide, 40K is measured by a single gamma ray of 1,460.8 keV. And the 228Ac used to measure 232Th mainly utilizes gamma rays of 911.2 keV. However, 228Ac does not appear as a single peak unlike 40K, and appears as multiple peaks at various energies. Among them, gamma rays are emitted at a intensity of 0.83% at 1,459.2 keV, which is likely to interfere with 40K. Therefore, what is actually measured at 1,460.8 keV is theoretically a compound peak of 40K and 228Ac. Because the probability of emission at 1,459.2 keV (0.83%) is low, a low concentration of 232Th will result in little 40K radioactivity error. However, samples containing a high concentration of 232Th overestimate the 40K radioactive concentration, so correction is required. In this study, the IAEA standard substance (IAEA-RGTh-1) ontaining 232Th of actual high concentration was analyzed, and the results of the analysis without correction of 40K were compared and verified. As the 40K correction method, the 911.2 keV gamma-ray of 228Ac was used as the reference peak to separate the peak of 228Ac (1,459.2 keV) from the 40K (1,460.8 keV) mixed peaks. And, the coefficient value obtained by subtracting the peak of 228Ac (1,459.2 keV) from the 40K (1,460.8 keV) mixed peak was set to a pure peak of 40K and the radioactivity concentration was calculated therefrom. As a result of calculating the IAEA-RGTh-1 reference material without correction, it was confirmed that the 40K value was overestimated by about 38 times. If a measurement beyond the MDA of 40K is generated by 228Ac radioactivity because the 40K correction constant is not applied, there is an error in determining that there is 40K radioactivity. However, even if 40K radioactivity is overestimated due to the high concentration of 232Th, the degree to which this effect contributes to the radioactivity index is very small. However, as an analyst, 40K radioactivity correction should be made for more accurate analysis.
Liquid-fueled Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) do not contain their fuel in assemblies. It is then not possible to perform traditional item counting and visual accountability of the salt fuel. These facilities are closer to bulk accounting facilities, such as reprocessing plants, and require inventory determinations based on measurements of the actinide content of salts. This can be problematic due to the difficulty of sampling and the destructive analysis of actinide-containing molten salts. Some problems arise from the unique combination of high temperature and high radiation environments present in molten salt fuels. Another challenge is the continuous change in the isotopic concentration of fuel salts due to burn-up, conversion, plating out, and online chemical processing. There is a potential for fuel stocks outside the reactor containment vessel in on-site salt processing. In terms of proliferation resistance of 233U-232Th fuel cycle, the nuclide 232U is an important nuclide in thorium fuel cycle from the standpoint of proliferation resistance, because its daughter Thallium (208Tl) is a strong gamma (2.6 MeV) emitter. The hard gamma ray is not only barrier from to nuclear material theft, but also an effective means of detecting lost fissile material. However, there is a theoretical weakness in obtaining pure 233U at the core of the initial two weeks with a concentration of 232Pu less than 1,000 ppm. Therefore, Pu separation process is one of the most sensitive parts in online reprocessing facility. The decision to use a fertile blanket should also be based on proliferation risk considerations in addition to operational parameters. MSRs can be designed without a separate fertile blanket, which should be considered. In the case of the MSFR, even if fertile blankets are used, the production of 232U is large enough to make difficult the utilization of blankets for proliferation purpose. For the liquid-fueled MSRs without fissile materials separations, many of the observations from the previous section apply, except salt processing is minimized. The reactors will still need some method of estimating total actinide content. These reactor designs reduce proliferation risk for the reactor by not separating any actinides during operation.