본 연구에서는 무인항공기인 드론을 활용한 VDMS(Vision-based Displacement Measurement System)를 통해 동적변위계측 정 확도와 동특성 추정 신뢰성 검증을 위한 동적실험을 실시하였다. 비행하는 드론의 이동 및 회전진동을 보정하기 위해 영상 내부의 변 위가 발생하지 않는 고정점을 활용한 보정밥법을 사용하였으며, 검증을 위해 설치한 범용 센서인 LVDT와 LDS의 변위계측 결과와 비 교하여 그 오차를 시간영역과 진동수영역에서 분석하였다. 3가지 타입의 장비 모두 최대 변위 도달 및 주기 운동 계측에 있어서 대체 적으로 유사한 결과를 나타내었다. LDS 기준의 오차 분석 결과, 드론과 LVDT는 가진 진동수 변화에 의한 오차 값은 미비하나, 최대 발생 변위가 작을수록 오차 값은 증가하였다.
The most important thing in development of a process-based TSPA (Total System Performance Assessment) tool for large-scale disposal systems (like APro) is to use efficient numerical analysis methods for the large-scale problems. When analyzing the borehole in which the most diverse physical phenomena occur in connection with each other, the finest mesh in the system is applied to increase the analysis accuracy. Since thousands of such boreholes would be placed in the future disposal system, the numerical analysis for the system becomes significantly slower, or even impossible due to the memory problem in cases. In this study, we propose a tractable approach, so called global-local iterative analysis method, to solve the large-scale process-based TSPA problem numerically. The global-local iterative analysis method goes through the following process: 1) By applying a coarse mesh to the borehole area the size of the problem of global domain (entire disposal system) is reduced and the numerical analysis is performed for the global domain. 2) Solutions in previous step are used as a boundary condition of the problem of local domain (a unit space containing one borehole and little part of rock), the fine mesh is applied to the borehole area, and the numerical analysis is performed for each local domain. 3) Solutions in previous step are used as boundary conditions of boreholes in the problem of global domain and the numerical analysis is performed for the global domain. 4) steps 2) and 3) are repeated. The solution derived by the global-local iterative analysis method is expected to be closer to the solution derived by the numerical analysis of the global problem applying the fine mesh to boreholes. In addition, since local problems become independent problems the parallel computing can be introduced to increase calculation efficiency. This study analyzes the numerical error of the globallocal iterative analysis method and evaluates the number of iterations in which the solution satisfies the convergence criteria. And increasing computational efficiency from the parallel computing using HPC system is also analyzed.