본 연구는 우라늄 변환시설 운전 중에 발생된 우라늄 함유 슬러지를 가열 처리하여 분말 형태로 저장 중인 우 라늄 함유 슬러지의 열분해 고체폐기물 (Thermal Decomposed Solid Waste of uranium-bearing sludge : TDSW)을 대상으로 TDSW의 용해, TDSW 질산 용해액의 알카리화에 의한 불순물 제거 및 탄산염 알카리화 용 액의 산성화에 의한 U 선택적 제거/회수 특성 등을 규명하였다. TDSW의 용해는 질산용해가 탄산염 산화용해 보다 효과적이었다. 1M 질산에서 TDSW의 약 30wt%가 고체 잔류물로 불용해되었고, TDSW 내 함유 U은 99% 이상이 용해되었다. TDSW의 질산 용해액의 알카리화는 탄산염에 의한 알카리화가 불순물 제거 측면에서 보 다 효과적이며, 탄산염 알카리화 (pH 약 9)에서 U과 공용해된 Ca, Al, Zn 및 Fe 등의 98±1%가 제거되었다. 그 리고 불순물이 거의 제거된 알카리화 용액 (0.5 M H2O2 첨가)의 산성화 (pH 약 3) 에서 U의 99% 이상을 회수 할 수 있어 TDSW로부터 U을 선택적으로 제거/회수할 수 있었다.
Receptor mediated signal carriers play a critical role in regulation of plant defense and development. Rapid Alkalization Factor (RALF) is an important signaling family which has a role in plant growth and development. However, only few RALF polypeptides have been identified till date, mainly because of enormous efforts required for their isolation or identify their gene through mutational analysis. In this study, an extensive database search yield 39, 43, 34 and 23 potential RALF genes in Arabidopsis, rice, corn and soybeans, respectively. RALF genes are highly conserved across the plant species. A comprehensive analysis including the chromosomal location, gene structure, subcellular location, conserved motif, protein structure and promoter analysis was performed. RALF genes from four plants under study were divided in 7 groups based on phylogenetic analysis. In silico expression analysis of these genes, using microarray and EST data, reveled that these genes exhibit a variety of expression pattern. Furthermore, RALF genes showed distinct expression pattern under nitricoxide (NO) stress in Arabidopsis. This suggests a role of RALF genes in plant defense regulation. Our comprehensive analysis of RALF genes is a valuable resource that further elucidates the roles of RALF family members in plant growth and development. In addition, comparative genomics analyses deepen our understanding of the evolution of RALF gene family and will contribute to further genetics and genomics studies of other monocot and dicot plant species.