
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to construct and operate the dry storage systems, it is essential to confirm the safety of the systems through safety analysis. If the dry storage cask is damaged due to an accident, a large amount of radioactive material may be leaked to the outside and cause radiation exposure to surrounding workers and nearby public, so the effect thereof should be evaluated. Many input parameter are required in the confinement evaluation for accident condition, and in this study, the change in the confinement evaluation result according to the change of major input parameter is to be studied. In this study, we selected fractions of radioactive materials available for release from spent fuel, cooling time, and distance to exclusive area boundary as the major input parameter. In general, the release fraction suggested by NUREG-1536 has been used, but NUREG-2224 provides the fraction for high burn-up spent fuel in fire and impact accident conditions, unlike NUREG-1536 which provide a single value. In the case of the distance to exclusive area boundary, 100 to 800 m was considered, and in the case of the cooling time, 10 to 50 years was considered in this study. In order to compare the dose change by the parameter, we set up the hypothetical storage system. A storage cask of the system contain 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies with an initial enrichment of 4.5wt%, burnup of 45,000 MWD/MTU. During the accident condition, it is assumed that the cask is leaked at 1.0×10−7cm3·sec−1. Since the main dose criterion for accident conditions is 50 mSv of effective dose, effective doses are calculated in this study. In an accident condition, transuranic particulate contribute most of the doses, so the doses are determined according to the fraction for the particulate. Therefore, it was confirmed that the dose was almost the same as the fraction for the accident conditions in NUREG-1536 and the fraction for the impact accident conditions in NUREG-2224 is 3×10−5, but the dose was also 100 times higher as the fraction for the fire accident conditions in NUREG-2224 is 3×10−3. In the case of the cooling time, it was confirmed that the dose change according to the cooling time was not significant because the dose contribution of transuranic elements having very long half-life was very large. In the case of the distance, it was confirmed that the dose decreased exponentially as the atmospheric dispersion factor decreased exponentially with the distance.