In this study, Target strength for multi-frequency (38 kHz, 70 kHz, 120 kHz and 200 kHz) of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) was estimated using by the KRM model. The body shape of the Chub mackerel was described by an X-ray system and the body length of 20 individuals ranged from 16 cm to 28 cm. The swimbladder tilt angle ranged between – 8 and – 14°, the maximum TS value according to the swimming angle of chub mackerel was – 33.0 dB at – 11°. The averaged TScm according to fork length was – 66.02 dB at 38 kHz, – 66.50 dB at 70 kHz, – 66.00 dB at 120 kHz and – 67.35 dB at 200kHz, respectively.
Rockfish was a commercially important fish specie in marine ranching areas in Korea. To estimate density and biomass of rockfish using acoustic method, target strength (TS) information is required on the species. This study measured TS dependence on tilt angle and size on 14 live rockfish individuals at 38, 70, and, 120 kHz by ex-situ measurement (tethered method) and acoustic scattering model (Krichhoff ray mode, KRM). The swimbladdered angle ranged from 18 to 30˚ (mean ± s.d. = 26 ± 4˚ ). The mean TS for all individuals was highest -35.9 dB of tilt angle -17˚ at 38 kHz, -35.4 dB of tilt angle -25˚ at 70 kHz, and -34.9 dB of tilt angle -22˚ at 120 kHz. The ex-situ TS-total length (TL, cm) relationships were TS38kHz = 20log10(TL) - 67.1, TS70kHz = 20log10(TL) - 68.6, and TS120kHz = 20log10(TL) - 69.9, respectively. The model TS-total length (TL, cm) relationships were TS38kHz = 20log10(TL) - 66.4, TS70kHz = 20log10(TL) - 67.0, TS120kHz = 20log10(TL) - 67.0. The two measurements between the ex-situ TS and KRM model for TS-tilt angle and fish size were found to be significantly correlated.
This study was focused on acoustic scattering characteristics of jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) at frequency 38, 70, and 120 kHz by Kirchhoff-ray mode (KRM) model. The body length (BL) of 16 individuals ranged in 12.2~22.0 cm (mean±S.D.: 17.8±3.2 cm) and the swimbladder length ranged in 4.2~8.6 cm (mean±S.D.: 6.6±1.6 cm) and the swimbladder cross section ranged in 1.7~6.6 cm2 (mean±S.D.: 3.8±1.6 cm2). This result shows that results correlate well between the BL and the length and cross section of swimbladder. The swimbladder angle ranged in 7~12°and the maximum TS values ranged in –16~–5°at tilt angle. The averaged TS-to-BL relationship were TS38kHz=20log10BL-65.33 (R2=0.66), TS70kHz=20log10BL-65.90 (R2=0.67), and TS120kHz=20log10BL-66.65 (R2=0.65). These results can be used fundamental data in order to estimate distribution and biomass of jack mackerel by using hydro-acoustic method.
Acoustical backscattering characteristics of Japanese anchovy can be estimated by Kirchhoffray mode model (KRM model) due to estimate exact body and swim-bladder shape of the fish, the samples were rapidly frozen by dry-ice and alcohol. X-ray photos for ventral and lateral direction for 6 samples were taken and the 3D coordinates of the body swim-bladder were estimated by digitizing from the photos. The angles between the axis of body and swim-bladder were about 9˚ at 38kHz and 7˚ at 120kHz, 200kHz. General formula of TS and BL estimated were 〈 TS38kHz 〉=20logBL-67.3, 〈 TS120kHz 〉=20logBL-66.6, 〈 TS200kHz 〉=20logBL-67.0. As a result, we confirmed KRM model is very useful to estimate TS (Target Strength) for design of experiment and it also can be applied to estimate the abundance of Japanese anchovy distributed by 2 frequency difference method in the survey area.