Self-Powered Neutron Detector (SPND) is one of devices for in-core fluxes detecting without external electricity source. SPND consisted with emitter, insulator and collector. When neutrons reacted with emitter material, it generates electrons and these electrons cross insulator area to make electric signal in collector area. For calculating sensitivity of SPND with Monte-Carlo code such as MCNP, many physical components must be considered. Cobalt shows that prompt signal and relatively low signal comparing with other delayed signal SPNDs. Initial sensitivity was calculated as 4.28×10−22 A/nv-cm for one electron. Due to Cobalt’s complex decay chain and maintaining high efficiency of SPND, it is necessary to analysis the effect of activation of emitter. Therefore, the DPA (Displacements Per Atom) assessment and activation analysis of the detector components have been evaluated with MCNP 6.2 and ORIGEN-S. With these activation analysis results, that is expected to be used to determine the shielding thickness of the storage system.
의료용 사이크로트론은 방사성의약품을 생산하기 위해 양성자를 고속으로 가속시켜 핵반응을 일으키게 되며, 핵반응을 통해 불필요한 중성자가 발생하게 된다. 중성자는 사이클로트론의 부품에 방사화를 일으키는 원인으로 종사자들의 피폭의 원인이 된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 핵반응이 일어나는 Targetry 부품들인 Aluminum body, Silver body, Havar foil의 방사화 정도를 분석하여 피폭선량을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험결과 Aluminum body와 Silver body는 방사화된 핵종들의 에너지가 작고, 반감기가 짧아 종사들에게 미치는 선량이 미미하였으며, 재사용하는데 문제가 없었다. 하지만 Havar foil의 경우 방사화된 핵종들의 에너지가 높고 반감기가 길어 종사자들에게 미치는 영향이 매우 높았으며, 방사성폐기물로써 특별한 관리가 필용한 것으로 나타났다.
In order to increase the therapeutic effect of radiation, there has been an increase in the use of conventional photon therapy. The intensive care unit should pay more attention to the radiation safety evaluation due to the higher energy and the larger facility compared to the existing Photon treatment. These radiation safety evaluations are mainly performed by using Monte Carlo simulation, and the first thing to be done is geometric modeling. The Heavy-ion treatment facility uses synchrotron as the accelerating device, which is difficult to precisely model geometrically and is mostly modeled briefly. This study investigated the effect of simplification and precise implementation of Dipole magnet among the components of synchrotron acceleration device on the radiation safety evaluation. The results show that the simplified geometric model is overestimated with the precisely implemented geometric model. Therefore, it is considered that the radiological safety evaluation results in more reliable results of the precise geometric modeling.