
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the different communication messages behind African women’s hairstyles, and to compare young and old African women’s hairstyles. The contents of this research are: the hairstyle as communication media, the types of African women’s hairstyles, and the difference between young and old women’s hairstyles. We used a review of literature and an empirical study as the research methods for this study. For the literature review, we used papers on African hairstyles, and we linked hairstyles to corresponding communication. For the empirical study, we took a database of 240 pictures (120 pictures of young women and 120 pictures of old women) from websites related to African hairstyles and we analyzed the pictures to differentiate between young and old African women’s hairstyles. The results of this study reveal that African women’s hairstyles express messages of power, ceremony, and status and identification communication. Within the 240 pictures, we found out which hairstyles are preferred by young and old women. Young African women prefer long, straight hairstyles and artificial hair (wigs), while old women keep short, natural hairstyles. The result of this research will be useful for understanding African women’s hairstyles as well as contribute to the field of hair design.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hair braiding has long been a tradition in the Black community as well as a bonding experience between mothers, daughters and siblings. In each hairstyle include braiding, the comb is believed as a good instrument to make hair style. The beauty of hair braiding in Africa is one of the outstanding African cultures and enhances the African women self-esteem. Hair braiding is art-crafts activities using the fingertips and is useful activities for senior people because it makes increasing blood flow and brain activity. This paper focuses on how African old women live to cope with the ageing. The braiding techniques can allow to senior women to be useful and increase their physical health, also the act of braiding allow the good communication and relationship between generations while grandmothers braid their granddaughter. As the research method, i used the review of literature and empirical study. On the review of literature, I used overseas literature on hairstyle, academic papers and web site. As illustration, the author Henrietta M. Smith (2009) said that, the mother and the grandmother braid their granddaughter and at the same time, they make or they share the stories of the braid patterns that are part of their inheritance. On empirical study, I suggest 3 types of braiding style which are: Single, Twist and Cornrow braiding style. To develop the techniques, I have been helped by a hair designer. The way I precede, the hair designer braided until the middle of the strand and then I continued till the end. And the third person took the pictures. The results are as follows 1. African braiding styles are very unique and creative. Braiding style is styled in varies ways. It is viewed as modernity with different styles includes fashion models. To braid is an outward expression of the most inner viewed like design so it is very useful activity for development of cognitive function for senior generation. 2. Hair braiding time for granddaughter will be extremely useful time for African old women and will gives them more happiness and healthy life. Also it will create good relationship with their family and allow good communications between generations. 3. We choose 3 types of hair braiding styles which are easy for senior women to learn and to understand. The choice hair braids are single braid, twist braid and cornrow braid. 4. The results of this research will be helpful for coping with the ageing in senior women people. And disciplines of this hair braiding techniques will contribute to improve their economic security, health and living conditions, also improve their physical and moral conditions.