
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this research was to suggest the estimation method of air injection quantity for pre-stabilization of landfilled wastes in a sustainable landfill. A study on the determination of oxygen demand quantity of landfilled wastes, therefore, was conducted in two different experiments. Firstly, a batch test was performed in order to measure the oxygen quantity required to oxidize easily degradable organic matter under aerobic conditions. Secondly, a lysimeter experiment was carried out to assess the air injection period according to moisture content (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) and to validate the oxygen demand quantity obtained by the batch test. This study assumed that landfilled wastes contain two different organic matters and two matters are sequentially utilized by microorganism. The first one provides the faster oxygen uptake rate that called the “easily degradable organics”. During the second phase of the aerobic decomposition, the other one provides the slower oxygen uptake rate that called the “moderately degradable organics”. Also, in this study, a modified logistic equation divided two terms (fractions of easily degradable organic and moderately degradable organic) was suggested to determine the oxygen demand quantity for easily degradable organic of landfilled solid waste. As a result, the oxygen demand quantity obtained by the batch test led to similar results compared with that of lysimeter experiment. Therefore, it showed that the modified logistic equation and batch test were appropriate for determination of oxygen demand quantity for decomposition of easily degradable organic matter. Also, air injection period for decomposition of easily degradable organic decreased with the increase of moisture content.