
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        1998.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Aloe in vitro culture was attempted to induce callus and regeneration ability from different explant sources onto MS medium with 0.5mg/l NAA plus 1.0mg/l BA. Anthers that no developed any callus and plant regeneration, while only four out of 274 filament explants induced calli at cut edge without regenerated plants. Twenty ovary explants regenerated four direct plantlets without via callus from the base of epidermal tissues. Regenerated plants on the root tip gave 2n=14 of chromosome numbers.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of polyamines, salt strength. sucrose and gelling agents on the regeneration of plantlets by meristem culture of Aloe arborescens Mill. and Aloe vera L.. Shoot multiplication was more effective when 10mg/ l spermine in Aloe arborescens and 1mg/ l spermidine in Aloe vera added into MS medium than when other polyamines were treated into media. A quarter strength of MS medium was effective for rooting of shoots regenerated. Higher concentration of sucrose (45g/ l) was more effective for shoot regeneration. Addition of 4g/ l gelrite into the medium was effective for induction of multiple shoots from Aloe than that of agar or other concentrations of gelrite. When plantlets regenerated from meristem culture were transferred to pot. survival rate of plantlets was 80% on perlite and was 95% on vermiculite. respectively.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the optimum medium and concentrations of growth regulators for induction of multiple shoot by meristem culture of floe otorefcenf Mill. MS medium supple-mented with 3μm TDZ was effective for induction of multiple shoot. Shoot multiplication was more ef-fective when 2mg/1 BA combined with 0.Img/1 IAA than when only BA were treated on medium. Halfstrength of MS medium supplemented with 2mg/L IAA was effective for rooting of shoots regenerated.When plantlets regenerated from meristem culture were transferred to pot, survival rate of plantletswas 80% on perlite and was 95% on vermiculite, respectively