참외 과실부위 송풍이 칼슘흡수와 발효과 발생에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여, 풍속 0.3m/sec로 10시부터 13시까지 1일 3시간 과실부위에 송풍을 하였다. 송풍은 착과 10일후, 20일후, 30일 후부터 수확까지 송풍처리구와 무송풍구로 나누어 비교한 결과, 과중은 착과 30일후 송풍처리에서 가장 무거웠으며, 과육두께는 착과 30일후 송풍구에서 가장 두꺼웠다. 과실의 경도는 착과 10일후 송풍구에서 가장 높았으며, 과육 및 태좌의 당도는 착과 20일 후 송풍 처리에서 가장 높았다. 과실의 L값은 착과 10일후 송풍구, a값 및 Y. I값은 착과 30일후 송풍구에서 좋아 무송풍에 비하여 송풍 처리에서 과실의 착색이 우수하였다. 과육 및 태좌의 Ca 함량은 송풍처리에 비하여 무송풍처리에서 많았으나, 발효과 발생은 송풍처리구에서 적었다. 특히 착과 20일후 송풍처리구에서 발효과율 및 기형과율의 발생이 적었고 상품과율은 증가하였다.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the air quality of subway stations having underground platforms in Busan Metropolitan City, from September to November 2000, over seven times. The places of the investigation include Yonsan-dong station, Somyon station, Busan station, Nampo-dong station, and Dusil station.
Samplings were conducted at three points in each station, i.e. gates, ticket gates, and platforms. CO, NO, NO2, and O3 were the main components of air for this analysis. In order to more fully understand station environments, we also measured an air temperature at each point.
The results showed that the O3 average concentration of Yonsan-dong station was higher than others with 38~51ppb.
The average concentration of NO was high at the ticket gate and platform at Somyon station (119ppb, 122ppb) and Nampo-dong station (102ppb, 100ppb). These results show that the air pollution of stations with underground shopping malls were higher than others.
At Somyon station having a junction station, NO and NO2 concentration levels of platform-2 (noncrowded) were higher than platform-1 (crowded). This is most likely due to the accumulation of air pollutants and inadequate ventilation systems.
To find the relationship of the indoor (platform) and outdoor (gate), we analyzed the I/O ratio. The averages of CO and O3 were both higher than one: 1.16 and 1.82, respectively.
In the correlations between each material and the others, NO vs NO2 was the highest with R=0.63. In the correlations between indoor and outdoor, O3 was the highest with R=0.64.
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively determine the indoor infiltration of pollutants of outdoor origin. The relationship between indoor and outdoor air is dependent, to a large extent, on the rate of air exchange between these two environments. Mean indoor/outdoor ratios measured from this study were: 0.70 for HNO_3; 1.60 for HNO_2; 0.56 for SO_2; 1.30 for NH_3; 0.96 for PM_2.5(d_p<2.5μm); 0.89 for SO_4^2-; 0.87 for NO_3^- and 0.79 for NH_4^+. Mean indoor concentrations for PM_2.5, SO_4^2-, HNO_3, NO_3^- and NH_4^+ were similar to outdoor levels. Indoor HNO_2 and NH_3 values were higher than outdoors. However, the indoor level of SO_2 was lower than ambient level.