
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 23

        2023.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The external weather conditions including temperature and wind speed in the Saemangeum reclaimed land is different from that of the inland, affecting the internal environment of the greenhouse. Therefore, it is important to select an appropriate covering material considering the insulation effect according to the type and characteristics of the covering material considering the weather condition in the Saemangeum reclaimed land. A hexahedral insulation chamber was designed to evaluate the insulation efficiency of each glass-clad material in the outside weather condition in reclaimed land. In order to evaluate the insulation effect of each covering material, a radiator was installed and real-time power consumption was monitored. 16-mm PC (polycarbonate), 16-mm PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate), 4-mm greenhouse glass, and 16-mm double-layered glass were used as the covering materials of the chamber. In order to understand the effect of the external wind directions, the windward and downwind insulation properties were evaluated. As a result of comparing the thermal insulation effect of each greenhouse cover material to single-layer glass, the thermal insulation effect of double-layer glass was 16.9% higher, while PMMA and PC were 62.5% and 131.2% higher respectively. On average the wind speed on the windward side was 53.1% higher than that on the lee-wind side, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the chamber at the wind ward side was found to be 52.0% larger than that on the lee ward side. During the experiment period, the overall heating operation time for PC was 39.2% lower compared to other insulation materials. Showing highest energy efficiency, and compared to PC, single-layer glass power consumption was 37.4% higher.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국가관리 간척지내 원예단지 조성에 필요한 기반기술 중에 하나인, 온실기초 연구가 부족한 실정이며 고사양의 PHC파 일을 대체하기 위한 대안을 검토하고자 하였다. 지반개량공법 중 심층혼합처리공법(DCM) 적용시 허용지지력과 침하량 산정을 통하여 온실기초 공법으로써의 적용가능성을 검토하였다. 새만금간척지 농생명용지 1공구 지반조사를 통해 지반 특성을 파악하고, Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Schmertmann 이론식을 적용하여 허용지지력과 침하량을 산정하였다. 직경 800mm를 기준으로, 독립 기초 폭과 길이가 3-6m 이고, 기초 심도 3-7m 조건에서 허용지지력과 침하량을 검토하였다. 온실기초 심도가 얕고 콘크리트 매트 간격이 넓을수록 시공비가 절감되는 측면을 고려하여 독립 기초 폭과 길이가 4m, 기초 심도가 3m인 경우가 가장 적합한 것으로 판단 되었다. 독립 기초 폭과 길이가 4m이고, 기초 심도가 3m인 조 건에 대한 해석 결과로 허용지지력은 169kN/m2, 침하량은 2.73mm로 지지력은 이론식 대비 5.6%의 오차를, 침하량은 62.3%의 오차범위를 나타냈다. 향후, 위 검증된 설계 값을 기준으로 구조 시험과 침하모니터링을 통해 신뢰성을 검증하고자 한다. 그 외 나무말뚝, 헬리컬기초 등 유리온실, 내재해형온 실에 적용 가능한 기초 공법과의 비교 검증을 통해 각각의 장, 단점을 파악하고 PHC 파일의 대체 가능 유무를 검토할 예정이다. 이는 온실 유형별 시공 공법을 선정하는데 필요한 기초 데이터로 제시될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Metal three-dimensional (3D) printing is an important emerging processing method in powder metallurgy. There are many successful applications of additive manufacturing. However, processing parameters such as laser power and scan speed must be manually optimized despite the development of artificial intelligence. Automatic calibration using information in an additive manufacturing database is desirable. In this study, 15 commercial pure titanium samples are processed under different conditions, and the 3D pore structures are characterized by X-ray tomography. These samples are easily classified into three categories, unmelted, well melted, or overmelted, depending on the laser energy density. Using more than 10,000 projected images for each category, convolutional neural networks are applied, and almost perfect classification of these samples is obtained. This result demonstrates that machine learning methods based on X-ray tomography can be helpful to automatically identify more suitable processing parameters.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 간척지를 활용한 대규모 수출 원예 단지에 대한 수요가 증대되고 있고, 대규모 시설원예 단지 조성을 위한 현안 중에 하나는 경량 온실용 기초 설계 기준을 확립하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연약지반 기초 보강 방법에 관한 사전 연구들을 검토 하였다. 대상 공법으로는 스파이럴, 나무, 쇄석 다짐 말뚝(팽이) 및 PF 공법이며, 성능 검증을 위해 인발저항력, 지내력, 침하량 측정 등의 시험이 수행되었다. 인발저항력은 동일한 직경에서 근입 깊이가 증가할수록 저항력이 상승하는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 스파이럴과 나무 말뚝 기초의 성능을 비교하자면, 유사한 근입비와 마찰 면적을 갖는 기준에 대하여 스파이럴 말뚝의 인발저항력 0.8kN, 나무 말뚝은 인발저항력 1.1kN로 근소하게 나무 말뚝의 성능이 우수하다고 판단되었다. 추가적으로, 일정 근입비(L/D)의 범 위에서의 직경 변화에 따른 인발저항력을 비교하였다. 근입 비 10~12.1 범위에서는 직경 250mm구간, 근입비 14.6~16.7 범위에서의 직경 300mm구간에서 급격한 상승 값을 보였으며, 근입비 범위에 따라 인발저항력 증가 폭이 다르게 나타나는 것을 확인하였다. 지반 지내력 검토를 위한 재하시험 결과의 경우, 상이한 보강 방법, 직경, 관입 깊이 등의 영향으로 단순 비교하는 것에 한계가 있지만, 나무 말뚝 105kN/m2, 팽이 말뚝 826kN/m2, PF방법 300kN/m2 수준의 최대 허용지지력을 보였다. 위 조건의 경우에, 팽이 말뚝, PF방법, 나무 말뚝 순으로 높은 지내력을 나타냈다. 간척지 기초 시공공법 타당성 검토를 위하여, 일부 국한된 시험 조건하에 인발저항력, 허용지지력, 침하량 측정 등 시험 평가 결과를 비교 검토하였다. 기초 보강 방법 별 일관성있는 경향을 파악하는데 한계가 있었지만, 풍속 40m/s에서 온실에서 받는 인발력이 20kN수준이고(Yu 등, 2012), ’97 한국형 유리온실 표준설계도에 명시된 온실의 기초 지내력 기준이 50kN/m2인 점을 고려한다면 지내력 105kN/m2 ~ 826kN/m2 범위의 기초보강 공법인 팽이, 나무말뚝 및 PF방법 모두 간척지 온실 기초에 적용하기 충분한 공법으로 간주 된다. 장기 침하량 모니터링 및 기초 보강 방법 별 수렴성과 재현성이 확보된 실증 데이터 보완을 통해, 온실 유형별 구조안정성과 경제성을 동시에 만족시킬 수 있는 기초 방식 선정과 설계 가이드 라인 제시가 가능할 것이라고 판단된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the need of weight reduction has been required in automobile industry. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the composite sandwich panel to substitute original steel structure of commercial vehicle. The compressive and drum-peel tests were conducted to consider core materials and resin system of the sandwich panel. Based on the test, we decided the core reinforcement and matrix materials of the panel. As a result, the composite panel were composed of aluminum profile, glass fiber prepreg and aluminum honeycomb. We also confirmed the weight reduction ratio and structural safety compared to prior steel structure components by bending test and FEM simulation.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Paddy harrow machine used hydraulic actuator system has been changed to the electric actuator system method. Because driving system of the agricultural equipments has been changed to electric power system. Besides, the effort to reduce the tractor machine's horse power is proceeding rapidly. In this paper, pressure, load scale factor and loading force(dynamic, static force) are considered to determine the cylinder diameter of the electric actuator. The algorithms of paddy harrow machine was studied to control and test the components of link by using the PLC diagram. Also, the electric actuator mechanism system was evaluated through the PLC algorithm. These test results can be attributed to select the actuator capacity and to determine the reliability of the electric actuator system
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The latest weight reduction research of automotive industry and technology was improved. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the composite frame to manufacture the floor assembly of commercial vehicle. The design of subframe incorporated into the floor module was determined by FEM(Finite Element Method) simulation. The mechanical properties used for the simulations were obtained from the tests for samples of glass fiber/epoxy composites. We made two kinds of pultrusion products, one was aluminum profile, the other was unidirectional composites with aluminum profile. Based on the results from the simulation and bending test, the design of the subframe was finally determined prior to adoption of the commercial vehicle floor.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The latest cultivation research and development of seeding technology was improved because the demand for direct planting increased. The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and position sensor are utilized to control the seed detection system. In this paper, of seed types, RPM (Revolution per minute) variations and hole size are considered to determine the capacity of seeder hopper to meet the needs of customer demand. These algorithms were composed of the process of seed monitoring and the compulsion opening system. The capacity of seeding is assumed to be 1.53kg(11.6 liters) of rice seed per 1.8km. Therefore, this detection system can be used to determine the capacity according to seed types, RPM and hole size.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to show the odor emission characteristics between the well maintained environment fundamental facility and the poorly maintained environmental facility. It also draws major components of odor emission based on facilities, stages, and suggest the proper way to reduce the level of odor for insufficient facilities. Insufficient facilities" air direct sensory and air dilution value levels are following: foodwaste > livestock > wastewater > night-soil > sewage. For the sewage and waste water facilities, the common characteristic of odor emission on each fundamental facility showed higher air dilution value in depositing reservoir and concentrator. And sulfur and aldehyde compounds came out to be the major odor causing components. In the case of night-soil and livestock facilities, the air dilution value was high in flow equalization tank and liquid erosion tank. And sulfur as well as ammonia component was the major malodorous substance. Foodwaste facility showed higher air dilution value than other facility, which sulfur and acetaldehyde compounds were acting as major malodorous substances.
        2010.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to estimate distribution of hazardous air pollutants and volatile organic compounds at diverse indoor areas in school. The indoor air samples were collected at 19 school in three different areas of southern Korea region from September to October 2009. The concentrations of PM-10 and formaldehyde in all sampling sites were below indoor air quality guideline of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The CO2 level and TBC (total bacteria count) were higher than the guideline for 4 sites and 12 sites, respectively. The concentration of TVOC for 23 sites exceeded the guideline. Also, TVOC level of metropolitan sampling sites were somewhat higher than small and medium-size city sampling sites. The concentration of indoor air pollutants affected by various conditions such as season, region, and indoor/outdoor environment. This study result shows that concentration of several pollutants such as CO2, TBC, and TVOC were higher than the guideline for some sampling sites. Therefore, it is necessary to manage indoor air quality and establish effective emission reduction strategies regard for characteristics of each school.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In present study, we investigated the antidiabetic effect of Momordica charantia(as well known “bitter melon”). This study was conducted to determine antidiabetic mechanism of Bitter Melon Extract (BME). We measured blood glucose, insulin, glucagon level in a Sprague-Dawley rat model of high-fat diet/streptozotocin(HFD/STZ)-induced diabetes. Five experimental groups were used: normal, HFD/STZ, BME 62.5 mg/kg HFD/STZ, BME 125 mg/kg HFD/STZ and BME 250 mg/kg HFD/STZ. BME was orally administered to the rats every other day for 9 weeks. Results showed that fasting blood glucose levels were significantly lower in the BME 125 mg/kg(150.17 ± 20.22 mg/dL) and 250 mg/kg(124.17 ± 22.17 mg/dL) groups than in the vehicle group(188.83 ± 26.63 mg/dL)(p<0.05). In addition, glucagon levels were lower in the three BME treatment groups than in the vehicle group(p<0.05). Oral glucose tolerance tests revealed that the BME 250 mg/kg group had significantly(p<0.05) reduced 120-minute blood glucose levels and areas under the curve. Our results suggest that BME induces antidiabetic effects via the reduction of glucagon and blood glucose levels.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ecotoxicity assessments with the physiochemical water quality items and the bioassay test using Daphnia magna were conducted for 18 selected effluents of 6 industrial types (metal processing, petroleum refining, synthetic textile manufacturing, plating, alcohol beverage manufacturing, inorganic compound manufacturing) being detected toxicity from industrial effluent in Ulsan city, and the interrelationship between total toxic unit (ΣTU) and concentrations of Water Quality Conservation Act in Korea were investigated. The average toxic unit(TU) of effluents for 6 industrial types displayed the following ascending order: petroleum refining (0.2) < synthetic textile manufacturing (0.6) < alcohol beverage manufacturing (0.9) < metal processing (1.3) ≤ inorganic compound manufacturing (1.3) < plating (3.0). These values were less than effluent permission standard. Based on the result of substances causing ecotoxicity, the correlation analysis was not easy because most of heavy metals were not detected or were less than effluent permission standard. Toxicological assessment of industrial effluent was suitable for the evaluation of the mixture toxicity for pollutant. The whole effluent toxicity test using a variety of species was needed for the evaluation of industrial wastewater.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The behavior of copper throughout the whole process of wastewater treatment plant that uses the activated sludge process to treat the wastewater of petrochemical industry that contains low concentration of copper was investigated. Total inflow rate of wastewater that flows into the aeration tank was 697 m3/day with 0.369 mg/L of copper concentration, that is, total copper influx was 257.2 g/day. The ranges of copper concentrations of the influent to the aeration tank and effluent from the one were 0.315 ~ 0.398 mg/L and 0.159 ~ 0.192 mg/L, respectively. The average removal rate of copper in the aeration tank was 50.8 %. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of copper by microbes in the aeration tank was 3,320. The accumulated removal rate of copper throughout the activated sludge process was 71.3%, showing a high removal ratio by physical and chemical reactions in addition to biosorption by microbes. The concentration of copper in the solid dehydrated by filter press ranged from 74.8 mg/kg to 77.2 mg/kg and the concentration of copper by elution test of waste was 2.690 ~ 2.920 mg/L. It was judged that the copper concentration in dehydrated solid by bioconcentration could be managed with the control of that in the influent.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Several adsorbents were tried to remove the selenium ions from industrial wastewater and the following ascending order of the adsorption performance for the selenium at pH 9 was observed: cation exchange resin < chelate resin < zeolite < brown marine algae < granular activated carbon < anion exchange resin. Initial concentration of selenium(146 mg/L) in industrial wastewater was reduced to 63 mg/L of selenium at pH 9 by neutralization process. The maximum uptake of Se calculated from the Langmuir isotherm with anion exchange resin was 0.091 mmol/g at pH 10 and that with granular activated carbon was 0.083 mmol/g at pH 6. The affinity coefficients of Se ion towards anion exchange resin and granular activated carbon were 3.263 L/mmol at pH 10 and 0.873 L/mmol at pH 6, respectively. The sorption performance of anion exchange resin at the low concentration of Se, namely, was much better than that of granular activated carbon. The Se ions from industrial wastewater throughout neutralization process and two steps of adsorption using anion exchange resin was removed to 97.7%.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Advanced oxidation processes involving O3/H2O2 and O3/catalyst were used to compare the degradability and the effect of pH on the oxidation of 1,4-dioxane. Oxidation processes were carried out in a bubble column reactor under different pH. Initial hydrogen peroxide concentration was 3.52 mM in O3/H2O2 process and 115 g/L (0.65 wt.%) of activated carbon impregnated with palladium was packed in O3/catalyst column. 1,4-dioxane concentration was reduced steadily with reaction time in O3/H2O2 oxidation process, however, in case of O3/catalyst process, about 50~75% of 1,4-dioxane was degraded only in 5 minutes after reaction. Overall reaction efficiency of O3/catalyst was also higher than that of O3/H2O2 process. TOC and CODCr were analyzed in order to examine the oxidation characteristics with O3/H2O2 and O3/catalyst process. The results of CODCr removal efficiency and ΔTOC/ΔThOC ratio in O3/catalyst process gave that this process could more proceed the oxidation reaction than O3/H2O2 oxidation process. Therefore, it was considered that O3/catalyst advanced oxidation process could be used as a effective oxidation process for removing non-degradable toxic organic materials.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this research was to investigate the removal efficiencies of VOCs and odors with newly developed biofilter which was designed to sustain the biofilm constantly on the packed media. Initially, four types of media, for example, fiber, activated carbon, ceramic and the mixture of activated carbon and ceramic(A/C mixture), were used for packed materials of biofilter. When ethylalcohol was selected as a test gas for media efficiency, fiber and A/C mixture had better removal efficiencies of ethylalcohol than others. Removal efficiencies for acetaldehyde, ethylalcohol, butylalcohol, ethylacetate and diethylamine in biofilter with fiber and A/C mixture as packed media were increased as the residence time increased. Butylalcohol, especially, showed the maximum removal efficiency among all used VOCs and odors. In case of ethylacetate, the difference of removal efficiencies between low and high residence times was wide remarkably.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The relationships between subjective symptoms of toluene exposed workers and concentration of their urinary excretion of hippuric acid were investigated. The exposed groups of 146 workers exposed to toluene and the control groups of 47 workers have never been exposed to toluene in Ulsan area were selected and studied. Hippuric acid was measured by HPLC, and counts of blood cells and liver function test were also performed. The mean value of urinary hippuric acid concentration of the control group was 0.322(±0.267) g/L, while that of the exposed group was 1.260(±0.395) g/L. As the concentration of hippuric acid had statistical proximity in 0.1% level, WBC, GOT, and GPT didn't have any proximity(P>0.05). The exposed group showed lower level of leucocyte counts 6522.40(1710.3) than the control group 6891.50(1483.7). The exposed group showed higher level of GOT(25.75), GPT(27.09) than GOT(23.75), GPT(25.21) of the control group. Dried skin was the highest complained symptom of toluene exposed workers, the second strained eye, the third poor auditory function, and the fourth was headache.
        2003.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to develop the preliminary source fingerprints of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The source categories studied were vehicles, gasoline vapor, gasoline storage tank, coating, dry cleaning and road covering. The source samples were collected using 6L electro-polished stainless steel canisters for about 20 seconds. From this study, the main component emitted from VOC sources in Korea was toluene. The toluene proportion for road covering, vehicles, coating and gasoline vapor were 35, 18, 16 and 5%, respectively. The C2-C5 alkane and alkene compounds were mainly emitted from vehicles, gasoline vapor and gasoline storage tank. The main compounds of coating were m/p-xylene(34%), toluene(16%), 1,2,4-TMB(10%) and o-xylene(9%), which are aromatic hydrocarbons. In the case of dry cleaning, nonane(41%), 1,2,4-TMB (22%) and 1,3,5-TMB(13%) were mainly emitted.
        1999.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of removal efficiency for aromatic hydrocarbons using a high-temperature fiber filter on a laboratory scale. The main elemental compositions of a high-temperature fiber filter are aluminium and silica, which can act as the catalysts. Benzene, toluene and o-xylene among aromatic hydrocarbons were used in this experiment. For 3㎝ thickness of fiber filter, these compounds were removed more than 90% at the face velocities of 3㎝/sec and 5㎝/sec above 450℃. For 4㎝ thickness of it, the removal efficiencies of these compounds were almost 90% from 400℃ at the same face velocities, suggesting that it may be due to increasing the contact time between the fiber filter and aromatic hydrocarbons. The pressure drop ranged from 22 to 48㎜H2O for 3㎝ thickness of fiber filter. However, for 4㎝ thickness of it, it was about two times(41-89㎜H2O) higher than that for 3㎝ fiber thickness.
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