
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2021.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Market integration and prices in pulse crops like black gram play an important role in determining the production decisions of the farmers and diversification towards high value nutritious crops. In this context, the present study explores extent of market integration and price transmission in selected major black gram markets in Andhra Pradesh using Johansen co-integration, Vector Error Correction Model and Granger causality test. The study used monthly prices data of black gram (Rs/quintal) sourced from selected markets of Srikakulam, Krishna and Kurnool spanning January, 1990 to December, 2019. The results of the study strongly buttressed the existence of co-integration and interdependence of selected black gram markets in Andhra Pradesh. However, the speed of adjustment of the prices found to be moderate in Krishna market and quite weaker in Srikakulam market and thereby prices correct a small percentage of the disequilibrium in these markets with the greatest percentage by the external and internal forces. So, it necessitates the need for future research, to investigate the influence of external and internal factors such as market infrastructure, Government policy and self-sufficient production, product characteristics and utilization towards market integration. As there exists only unidirectional causality from Krishna to Kurnool and from Krishna to Srikakulam markets, it calls for strengthening the information technology for flow of market information regularly to help the farmers for increasing their income.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many paddy cultivating farmers in the country are forced to use their limited resources to produce adequate food for their family, leading to the degradation and reduction in potential of these resources. The yield levels of paddy at the farmers’ level and in the Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) conducted in the farmers’ fields is not at par with potential yield of the paddy variety. The gap between potential yield of crop variety and yield realized in FLDs refers to Research gap and the yield gap between FLDs and due to farmers’ practice refers to Extension gap. The earlier studies conducted in India in general and in Andhra Pradesh in particular highlighted the existence of both research and extension gaps with reference to paddy. It is essential that, the narrowing of both research and extension gaps is not static, but dynamic considering the influence of technological interventions in boosting paddy yields at FLDs level and at farmers’ level and also with the improvement of the yield potential of paddy varieties. This calls for integrated and holistic approaches to address these two gaps and with this background, the researcher aimed at this in depth study. The findings revealed that, research gaps are high with reference to weed management and pest management and extension gaps are high with reference to farm mechanization followed by fertilizer management. Reliable source of seed, capital use and frequency of meetings with Scientists or Agricultural Officers significantly influence the extension gaps in paddy. Farmers also prioritized socio-economic and technical constraints and the analysis infers that, it is high time now for the farmers to adopt the planned technological interventions on scientific scale to minimize the extension gaps to the extent possible. As the enabling environment in the State of Andhra Pradesh is highly encouraging for the farmers with relevant policy instruments in the form of subsidized inputs, free power, credit at concessional rates of interest, constructing irrigation projects etc., the adoption of the proposed technological interventions significantly contribute to minimizing both research and extension gaps in paddy cultivation in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction: To analyze the impact of marketing losses on efficiency in transacting banana in Kurnool district of SRZ in Andhra Pradesh and to assess the opinions of the farmers on the constraints in transacting banana. Research back ground, Materials and Methods: The study relies exclusively on primary information obtained from the banana farmers of Kurnool District. Purposive sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the study area. Top two mandals in the district and top two villages in each mandal are selected in accordance with the area under cultivation of banana. Probability proportion to size was followed regarding the selection of sample farmers and accordingly 60 marginal, 37 small and 23 other farmers were selected and thereby, the total sample size was 120. Result and Discussion: Three marketing channels were identified in the marketing of banana in Kurnool district viz., Producer → Local-exporter → Wholesaler → Retailer → Consumer (Channel-I), Producer → Wholesaler → Cart-vendor → Consumer (Channel-II) and Producer → Juice-holder → Consumer (Channel-III). With the inclusion of marketing losses in the price spread analysis of banana in all the three channels, the marketing costs of all the intermediaries were increased and thereby, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of the agencies are on the decline. So, without inclusion of marketing losses, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of all the agencies are overvalued. The higher the marketing losses, the more is the negative impact on farmer’s net selling price, net marketing margins of the intermediaries and marketing efficiency. The sample farmers are facing major problems in marketing of banana like frequent price fluctuations, unorganized marketing and lack of transportation facilities on priority basis. Suggestions: It is suggested to educate the farmers regarding the optimum maturity index for harvest, use of mechanical harvesters, proper placement of fruits during storage and ripening, better packaging and cushioning technologies to absorb shocks during transportation, strengthening of storage facilities and transport facilities, encourage co-operative marketing etc., to promote marketing efficiency of banana in the study area.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract2)Agricultural water management has gained enormous attention in the developing world to alleviate poverty, reduce hunger and conserve ecosystems in small-scale production systems of resource-poor farmers. The story of food security in the 21stcentury in India is likely t o be closely linked to the story of water security. Today, the water resource is under severe threat. The past experiences in India in general and in Andhra Pradesh in particular, indicated inappropriate management of irrigation has led to severe problems like excessive water depletion, reduction in water quality, water logging, salinization, marked reduction in the annual discharge of some of the rivers, lowering of ground water tables due to pumping at unsustainable rates, intrusion of salt water in some coastal areas etc. Considering the importance of irrigation water resource efficiency, Krishna Western Delta (KWD) of Andhra Pradesh was purposively selected for this in depth study, as the farming community in this area are severely affected due to severe soil salinity and water logging problems and hence, adoption of different water saving crop production technologies deserve special mention. It is quite disappointing that, canals, tube wells and filter points and other wells could not contribute much to the irrigated area in KWD. Due to less contribution from these sources, the net area irrigated also showed declining growth at a rate of –6.15 per cent. Regarding paddy production, both SRI and semi-dry cultivation technologies involves less irrigation cost (Rs. 2475.21/ha and Rs. 3248.15/ha respectively) when compared to transplanted technology (Rs. 4321.58/ha). The share of irrigation cost in Total Operational Cost (TOC) was highest for transplanted technology of paddy (11.06%) followed by semi-dry technology (10.85%) and SRI technology (6.21%). The increased yield and declined cost of cultivation of paddy in SRI and semi-dry production technologies respectively were mainly responsible for the low cost of production of paddy in SRI (Rs. 495.22/qtl) and semi-dry (Rs. 532.81/qtl) technologies over transplanted technology (Rs. 574.93/qtl). This clearly indicates that, by less water usage, paddy returns can be boosted by adopting SRI and semi-dry production technologies. Both the system-level and field-level interventions should be addressed to solve the issues/problems of water management. The enabling environment, institutional roles and functions and management instruments are posing favourable picture for executing the water management interventions in the State of Andhra Pradesh in general and in KWD in particular. This facilitates the farming community to harvest good crop per unit of water resource used in the production programme. To achieve better results, the Farmers’ Organizations, Water Users Associations, Department of Irrigation etc., will have to aim at improving productivity per unit of water drop used and this must be supported through system-wide enhancement of water delivery systems and decision support tools to assist farmers in optimizing the allocation of limited water among crops, selection of crops based on farming situations, and adoption of appropriate alternative crops in drought years.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인도의 서남부에 위치한 께랄라(Kerala)주와 동남부에 위치한 안드라프라데쉬(AndhraPradesh) 주에 분포하는 지석묘유적에 대한 고고학적 조사 및 분석결과이다. 인도와 한국의 지정학적 위치는 외 부의 선진문화를 수용할 수 있는 이점과 함께 외세의 문화와 사회적 변동에 크게 영향을 받을 수 있는 반도지역이라는 공통점은 있지만 면적, 기후, 생활양식 등은 큰 차이가 있다. 따라서 인도 지석묘를 중심으로 지석묘의 분포, 입지, 형태, 구조 등에 대한 기초적인 고고자료를 확보하고 이를 검토·분석하여 그 특징을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 또한 한국 지석묘와의 상이한 점을 살펴봄으로서 세계사적인 거석문화의 흐름을 파악하고자 한다. 인도의 지석묘는 주로 남부지역에 집중되어 있다. 입지적인 특징은 대부분 구릉 정상부와 완사면에 분포하며, 열상 및 소군집을 이룬다. 형식은 대부분 탁자식 지석묘 이며, 일부 개석식도 확인된다. 축조방식은 암반 위에 축조되기 때문에 암반에 홈을 내거나 석축형태의 장방형 묘역시설을 설치하여 벽석을 고정시킨다. 경우에 따라서 상석 아래까지 묘역을 높게 쌓아올 린 형태도 확인된다. 소군집은 하나의 묘역내에 3-6기 정도가 배치된다. 장축방향은 대부분 같지만 일부 다른 것도 있다. 남인도 탁자식지석묘의 특징은 석실의 평면형태를 ‘卍자형’으로 조립한 점, 한쪽 벽석에 원형의 ‘혼구멍(Port-hole)’을 설치한 점, 주변으로 대형의 판석을 기대어 놓거나 세워 묘역을 설치한 점 등이다. 이는 지석묘의 기본적인 기능인 무덤의 역할은 같지만 축조과정이나 장송의례, 지 석묘의 기능적 의미, 내세관 등에서 많은 차이가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 인도는 유럽과 아시아의 중간 지역에 해당하는 곳으로 각 지역의 지석묘 형태나 구조, 출토유물, 분포 등을 비교한다면 대지석묘 분포권을 설정할 수 있으며, 또한 각 지역의 독특한 지석묘문화를 살필 수 있을 것이다. 이는 한국의 지석묘문화를 세계사적 관점에서 살펴볼 수 있는 것으로 양 지역 간 거석문화의 비교연구는 매우 중요 하다고 할 것이다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study has aimed at analyzing the technical and scale efficiencies of credit utilization by the farmer-borrowers in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. DEA approach was followed to analyze the credit utilization efficiency and to analyze the factors influencing the credit utilization efficiency, log-linear regression analysis was attempted. DEA analysis revealed that, the number of farmers operating at CRS are more in number in marginal farms (40%) followed by other (35%) and small (17.5%) farms. Regarding the number of farmers operating at VRS, small farmers dominate the scenario with 72.5 per cent followed by other (67.5%) and marginal (42.5%) farmers. With reference to scale efficiency, marginal farmers are in majority (52.5%) followed by other (47.5%) and small (25%) farmers. At the pooled level, 26.7 per cent of the farmers are being operated at CRS, 63 per cent at VRS and 32.5 per cent of the farmers are either performed at the optimum scale or were close to the optimum scale (farms having scale efficiency values equal to or more than 0.90). Nearly 58, 15 and 28 percents of the farmers in the marginal farms category were found operating in the region of increasing, decreasing and constant returns respectively. Compared to marginal farmers category, there are less number of farmers operating at CRS both in small farmers category (15%) and other farmers category (22.5%). At the pooled level, only 5 per cent of the farmers are operating at DRS, majority of the farmers (73%) are operating at IRS and only 22 per cent of the farmers are operating at CRS indicating efficient utilization of credit. The log-linear regression model fitted to analyze the major determinants of credit utilization (technical) efficiency of farmer- borrowers revealed that, the three variables viz., cost of cultivation and family expenditure (both negatively influencing at 1% significant level) and family income (positively influencing at 1% significant level) are the major determinants of credit utilization efficiency across all the selected farmers categories and at pooled level. The analysis further indicate that, escalation in the cost of cultivation of crop enterprises in the region, rise in family expenditure and prior indebtedness of the farmers are showing adverse influence on the credit utilization efficiency of the farmer-borrowers.