
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Marketers increasingly use electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) as a communication tool to pursue consumer purchase intention. Building on brand equity theory, this study extends the traditional argument that the enhancement of consumer repurchase intention by positive brand awareness, image, and relationship is moderated by susceptibility to e-WOM. Electronic WOM enables consumers to search for a variety of user products and experiences over the Internet. Online product reviews are one of the most popular channels through which consumers find product information; these reviews are a powerful example of e-WOM. This channel not only enhances the convenience for consumers in their search for information, it also increases consumers’ brand awareness and image, which are primitive factors in developing a consumer–brand relationship (CBR). For the aforementioned phenomenon, the objective of this research is to comprehend how consumers’ personality traits play a role in the formation of CBR and behavioral intention in response to normative influences. The authors argue that the impact of brand knowledge and the brand relationship on repurchase intention will be weakened in consumers who are highly susceptible to e-WOM. Consumers who are highly susceptible to e-WOM tend to consume and absorb information spreading over social media and are likely to turn their purchasing decision toward other brands. The result discloses the traditional argument that the enhancement of consumer repurchase intention by positive brand awareness, image, and relationship is moderated by susceptibility to e-WOM. Specifically, the argument focuses on how the impact of the brand relationship on repurchase intention is weakened in consumers with high susceptibility to e-WOM. The reason is that consumers with high susceptibility to e-WOM tend to consume and absorb information spreading across social media and are likely to divert their repurchase decision to other brands. In addition, consumers with high susceptibility to e-WOM eradicate the role of brand awareness in developing the CBR. This research idea contributes to the theory of CBR and the topic of e-WOM. Electronic WOM can function as an important tool in communicating the differences among brands in the market. However, this has to be used in congruence with the characteristics of consumers. Neglecting this factor can attenuate the effectiveness and efficiency of the CBR strategy. The research study encourages brand and communication marketers to be more attentive in adopting e-WOM as part of marketing communication.
        2012.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지반 감쇠식은 지진발생시 관심지역의 최대 지반가속도와 주기별 스펙트럴 가속도 값을 예측하기 위한 관계식으로 과거 지진발생시 진앙지에서의 최대 지반진동과 거리별 관측된 지반가속도 값 등 관측 자료를 기초로 작성된다. 우리나라의 경우는 1999년 전국적으로 디지털 관측소가 설치되었으며 2005년 오대산 지진의 지반가속도가 처음 관측되는 등 그 기초자료가 매우 부족하여 국내에 적합한 지반 감쇠식이 표준화 되어 있지 못하고 있는 형편이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 일반적으로 국내와 유사하다고 널리 알려진 미국의 중동부 지역의 감쇠식과 국내외 지반 감쇠식 연구자들의 자료를 수집 분석하고 이를 근거로 국내에 가장 적합한 지반 감쇠식을 제안하였다.