부산 금정산 범어사계곡의 낙엽활엽수가 우점하는 군락의 식생구조를 분석하기 위해 단위면적 100m2의 조사구 28개를 설정하고 조사를 실시하였다. Classification기법중의 하나인 TWINSPAN을 이용하여 군락을 분류한 결과, 개서어나무-낙엽활엽수군락(군락 I), 졸참나무-개서어나무군락(군락 II), 개서어나무-졸참나무-소나무군락(군락 III), 개서어나무-졸참나무-신갈나무군락(군락 IV), 졸참나무-낙엽활엽수군락(군락 V), 편백-개서어나무군락(군락 VI)의 6개 군락으로 최종 분리되었다. 군락별 종다양도는 0.3832~1.0450의 범위이었으며 인공식재한 편백나무가 우점하는 군락 VI의 종다양도가 가장 낮았고 개서어나무와 기타 낙엽활엽수가 우점하는 군락 I과 군락 V의 종다양도가 가장 높았다. 단위면적당(100m2) 종수는 6.8±3.2종이었다. 금정산 범어사계곡의 개서어나무군락은 기후극상림으로써 보전가치 높으므로 지속적인 보전관리대책이 요구된다.
This study was started with its consideration as materials showing original shapes of temple buildings in the late period of Chosun the photographs and drawings which contained in $\ulcorner$A Survey Report of Korean Architecture$\lrcorner$ made by Sekino Tadashi through his survey for 62 days(July 5${sim}$Sep. 4, 1902). Results of the study can be summarized as follows. During the period of Japanese occupation, Beomesa temple experienced frequent changes in building layout including the transfer and removal of buildings. Such frequent change began in spring, 1936 when a Buddhist monk of Beomeosa temple, Cha Woon Ho moved Gwaneumjeon, originally located to the light of the main building, to the left of the building and, on its original site, built up a 7-storied sarira tower. Though it is difficult to say that the study provides everything about Beomeosa temple, the researcher expects that the study would be the very basis on which changes in the building layout of the temple since the late period of Chosun can be researched. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that the above mentioned restoration plan would help originally restore or enlarge temples, further transmitting such restored or enlarged establishments as valuable cultural remains from generation to generation. In this respect, the researcher expects such restoration plan to be made in continuous and more detailed ways.
This study was started under the judgement that reviewing $\ulcorner$A Survey Report of Korean Architecture$\lrcorner$, which contains photographs and drawings by Sekino Tadashi and which was also made under the order of the Japanese government(1902), would make it possible to consider in detail the status of Korean buildings in the period of the Korean Empire. The focus of the study. was put on three main parts of the temple, especially the central parts. The photographs and drawings as mentioned above showed that changes in the layout of buildings in the central part of the temple were made between the period of the Korean Empire and that of Japanese occupation. Thus the purpose of the study is to investigate when changes in building layout in the central part of the temple were made and what made such changes to be caused, obtaining information necessary for future changes in the precincts of the temple. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, 'Seonchal Daebonsan Beomeosa feonkeongdo' and 'Gyeongsangnamdo Dongraegun Beomeosa Geonmul Jeondo' were made in a same period. While, 'Chosun Gojeok Dobo', published by the government-general of Chosun, was a collection of photographs taken by Sekino Tadashi for about 30 years from 1902 to 1933 under the order of the Japanese government. But there were few changes in the building layout of the temple shown in the three materials. Second, one of the photographs and drawings made since 1933, not contained in 'Chosun Gojeok Dobo', and discovered by this researcher was 'Seonchal Daebonsan Beomeosa Annae' which was published by the temple itself after national independence from the period of Japanese occupation, indicating the main reason of changes in building layout as mentioned above. In conclusion, the layout of buildings of the temple began to be changed on a large scale, with so-called 'Cheyongseol' ignored, when Buddhist monk Cha Woon Ho established a 7-storied sarira tower to the left of the main building in the center of the upper part in 1936. In addition, the axis line connecting between Hwaeomjong and Seonjong was also changed at that time.