
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In buffer, a main component of engineering barrier system (EBS) in the deep geological repository, mass loss is mainly caused by upheave and mechanical erosion. The former is a phenomenon that bentonite in the upper part of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater intake and swelling. And, the latter is a phenomenon that bentonite on the surface of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater flow at the interface with host rock as the buffer saturates. Buffer mass loss adversely affects the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer that is to limit and retard radionuclide release in the event of canister failure. Accordingly, in this paper, we reviewed how to consider this phenomenon in the performance assessment for the operating license application in Finland, and tentatively summarized data required to conduct the analysis for the domestic facility based on the review results. Regarding buffer mass loss, the previous studies carried out in Finland are categorized as follows: 1) experiment on the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (before backfilling), 2) analysis for the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (after backfilling), 3) analysis of buffer erosion rate with groundwater inflow rate, 4) analysis for distribution of the groundwater inflow rate into the buffer for all deposition holes (using ConnectFlow modeling results), and 5) analysis of buffer mass loss with groundwater salinity. Finally, the buffer mass loss distribution table was derived from the results of 1) through 3) by combining with that of 4). Given these studies, the following will be required for the performance assessment for buffer mass loss in the domestic disposal facility: a) distribution table of buffer mass loss for combined interactions taking into account effect of 5) (i.e. 1), 2), 3), and 5) + 4)), and b) Threshold for buffer mass loss starting to negatively affect the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer. Even though it is judged that the results of this study could be directly applied to developing the design concept of EBS and to conducting the performance assessment in the domestic disposal facility, it is essential to prepare a set of input data reflecting the site-specific design features (e.g. dimension, material used, site, etc.), which include saturation time and groundwater salinity.