The objective of this study was comparison of seed yields according to different seeding rates, seeding time and application of chemical fertilizations in Yanji region of China. The experiment was conducted on commercial farmland at Yanji region in 2013. All the experimental fields were designed following randomized block design with 3 replicates. The plant spacing was applied as 65×1 cm distance. To check the effect of seeding rate, two different seeding rate, 0.2 kg/0.1ha and 0.5 kg/0.1ha were applied. The higher seed yield was observed in low seeding rate (0.2 kg/0.1ha). The application of fertilizer (mixture of N and P) showed different results following different experimental fields. However, there were little positive effects following fertilizer application into commercial farmland. When we compare seed yields between two different seeding dates, 4th May and 29th May, the earlier seeding date (4th May) showed higher seed yields. In considering these results, low seeding rate and early seeding time is important for getting high camelina seed yields.
지금까지 양구슬냉이의 유전정보는 거의 연구되지 않았으므로 우리는 양구슬냉이의 잎으로부터 cDNA library를 제작하고 발현유전자의 종류와 기능별 분류를 조사하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. cDNA library에서 1334개 의 클론들을 얻었고 삽입된 단편들의 염기서열의 평균길이는 736bp였다. 우리는 1269개의 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) 서열을 얻었다. 이러한 EST의 클러스터 분석결과 고유 염기서열(unigene)을 가진 유전자의 수는 851개를 나타냈다. 2. Unigene 476개는 GeneBank에 기능이 알려진 유전자들과 고도의 상동성을 나타내었다. 다른 375개의 unigene들은 기능이 알려지지 않은 것들이었다. 나머지 63개는 NCBI데이터베이스에 어떤 유전자와도 상동성을 보이지 않았고 이러한 유전자들은 아마도 양구슬냉이의 잎에서 발현되는 새로운 유전자일 것으로 보인다. 3. 데이터베이스에서 상동성을 나타낸 EST들을 기능별 주석에 따라서 17개의 카테고리로 분류하였다. 대표적으로 가장 분포도가 높은 카테고리는 결합 기능 또는 보조인자 요구의 단백질(27%), 대사(11%), 세포 소기관 위치(11%), 세포수송과 수송기관 그리고 수송 경로(7%), 에너지(6%), 대사와 단백질 기능의 조절(6%) 등이 있다. 이러한 우리의 연구 결과는 양구슬냉이의 유용한 유전적 자원과 전반적인 mRNA 발현 정보를 제공해 줌으로써 대체 에너지 작물로 떠오르는 양구슬냉이의 다양한 분자적 연구에 기여할 것으로 사료된다.
Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, known as popular names "gold-of-pleasure" or "false flax" is an alternative oilseed crop that can be grown under different climatic and soil condition. Up to date, however, the genomic information of camelina has not been studied in detail. Therefore, a cDNA library was constructed and characterized from young leaves. The constructed cDNA library incorporated of 1334 cDNA clones and the size of the insertion fragments average was 736 base pair. We generated a total of 1269 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) sequences. The result of cluster analysis of EST sequences showed that the number of unigene was 851. According to subsequent analysis, the 476 unigenes were highly homologous to known function genes and the other 375 unigenes were unknown. Remaining 63 unigenes had no homology with any other peptide in NCBI database, indicating that these seemed to be novel genes expressed in leaves of camelina. The database-matched ESTs were further classified into 17 categories according to their functional annotation. The most abundant of categories were protein with binding function (27%), metabolism (11%), subcellular localization (11%), cellular transport, transport facilities and transport routes (7%), energy (6%), regulation of metabolism and protein function (6%). Our result in this study provides an overview of mRNA expression profile and a basal genetic information of camelina as an oilseed crop.