This paper would present Celestica Inc.Celestica Inc is one of the top 10 Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) providers in the world,headquartered in Toronto, Canada. The company is a leader in design, manufacturing, and supply chainsolutions, adding global expertise and insight at every stage of product development.There are four layers in the electronics product life cycle. Layer 4 is the sub-assembler who isresponsible for providing materials and elements like Bossard, providing the fastening elements. Layer3 is the assembler which is called EMS (Electronics manufacturing service) like Celestica, Flex andFoxconn. Layer 2 is the company which is responsible for the systems integration like CISCO, calledas OEM (Electronic equipment manufacturer) and ODM (Electronic design manufacturing). Layer 1 isresponsible for the network operation. Facebook and Amazon are all this kind of company which arecalled as internet service provider.Celestica provides innovative end-to-end electronic product lifecycle solutions including AdvancedTechnology Solutions (ATS) and Connectivity and Cloud Solutions (CCS) to over 100 customersacross multiple markets. The company’s vision aims to provide a specifically differentiated supplychain offering compared to other competitors, through Celestica’s Total Cost of Ownership™ (TCOO)Strategy along with their Ring Strategy as well. In this paper we will discuss the how diversificationstrategy brings a better financial performance to Celestica as well as why and how to implement TCOOstrategy along the supply chain.