
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        안토시아닌(Anthocyanin)은 플라보노이드계 화합물의 한 부류로 항산화, 항암 및 항궤양, 항당뇨, 중금속해독, 시력보호, 콜레스테를 저하 등의 다양한 생리활성을 가지는 것으로 보고되어 있다. 죽상경화과정은 염증성 사이토카인의 분비 또는 혈관손상으로 인한 백혈구의 부착과 이동을 통해 시작된다. 본 연구는 이러한 죽상경화의 초기과정에서 안토시아닌 혼합물 중 single compound인 delphinidin chloride (DC) 인간혈관 내피세포
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Human serum (HS) has been reported to induce aggregation of human eyelid adipose-derived stem cells (HEACs) during high-density culture in vitro. The present study focused on the role of cell adhesion molecules and gelatinases during HS-induced aggregation of HEACs. HS-induced aggregation occurred between 9-15 days of culture. Cells aggregated by HS medium (HS-agg) showed stronger expression of α2, α2B, αX, and CEACAM1 genes compared to non-aggregated cells in HS medium (HS-ex) or in control FBS-cultured cells. HS-agg were distinctly labeled with antibodies against α2, α2B, and αX proteins. Western blot results demonstrated that the two integrin proteins were greatly expressed in HS-agg compared to HS-ex and control FBS-cultured cells. Treatment of HEACs with anti-integrin α2 antibody during culture in HS medium delayed aggregation formation. HS-agg exhibited strong expression of MMP1 and MMP9 compared to HS-ex or FBS-cultured cells. Conditioned media from HS-culture showed remarkable increase of MMP9 gelatinolytic activity in comparison to those from FBS-culture. However, there was no change of TIMP mRNA expression in relation to the HS-induced aggregation. Based on these results, it is suggested that integrin α2, α2B, and αX, and MMP9 might play an important role in the HS-induced aggregation of HEACs.