
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2003.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents the experimental results of a Soil-Cement Composite Earth Retaining Wall comprised of reinforced concrete underground wall, H-shaped steel beams in earth retaining wall and fiber reinforced soil cement wall. Sixteen specimens are tested to evaluate the bending capacity of the wall. Main variables in the test are strength of concrete, arrangement of shear connector, soil-cement, and fiber reinforcement. Test results are as follows. (1) Composite member under positive moment showed 18% increase of the maximum strength. (2) After soil cement was reinforced with fiber by adding 1% of soil cement weight, compared to cases not reinforced with fiber, strength of under compression increased 7%, moreover, 30% of strength enhancement was shown under tension case also. (3) When the composite member resists positive bending moment (i.e., H-shaped steel beam is in compression), the strength is increased by 18%. Moreover, 7% additional strength enhancement appears after the soil cement is reinforced by fiber. As a results, fiber reinforced soil cement has strength enhancement effect up to 25%.