
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, proposed how to design an airport concrete pavement expansion joint considering the weather conditions and material properties. Currently, expansion joint spacing of airport concrete pavement in korea is not designed according to a clear standard, but it is designed to an empirical level. Various types of Admixture are used in concrete pavement and depending on the material characteristics or local environmental factors, there is a substantial difference in the extent and shrinkage to which the package is inflated. Significant differences are made in the extent to which the pavement expands or shrinkage depending on the material characteristics used or the local environmental factors. But, expansion joint design performed on empirical criteria cannot reflect these materials and environmental characteristics, resulting in unpredictable damage such as blow-up. To analyzing behavior of airport concrete pavement, horizontal displacement gauges, static strain gauges and thermometers are installed in the 3rd phase construction sites at Incheon International Airport. In this study, the relationship between the temperature and horizontal displacement of the concrete pavement was analyzed using the measured depth temperatures and the horizontal displacement data at the expansion joints at the Incheon airport site. The Finite Element Analysis Model of Incheon International Airport pavement was used to compare the difference between actual behavior and analytical behavior. In addition, it is proposed to design a suitable expansion joint spacing by considering the maximum expansion of concrete pavement and shrinkage caused by material expansion (e.g., ASR) and shrinkage due to water loss. This study was supported by Incheon International Airport Corporation (BEX00625).