This study focuses on the effectiveness of regional business support programs funded by South Korea's Balanced National Development Special Account, one of the policies designed to address regional imbalances and promote local autonomy. Using the analytical approach including DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methodology, This study analyzed the efficiency of 76 star companies in the Jeonbuk region based on their performance from 2018 to 2023. This study was designed to improve previous studies limitations, which only analyzed simple input-output efficiency in the short term, by using six years of mid-term data to comprehensively evaluate input variables in both R&D and Non-R&D sectors. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the expiring Star Company Development Program by evaluating efficiency of supported company groups using DEA and to propose support models and policy suggestions for upcoming regional specialized industries support program by identifying the features of both optimal and inefficiency models. For this, employments along with financial indicators such as sales revenue, operating profit, and total assets were set as output variables, with R&D and non-R&D support amounts were set as input variables for analysis. According to the results, the optimal efficiency model group has strong intellectual property acquisition capabilities, and continuous R&D investment. It shows that continuous innovation activities are a key factor for improving the effectiveness of support. This study found that, from a mid․long term perspective, policy support programs should be customized by unique characteristics of each industry field, Based on this, it was suggested that upcoming regional specialized industry support programs in the Jeonbuk region should include policy planning and support program design to complement the weaknesses of each industry field.
본 연구의 목적은 자료포락분석(Data Envelopment Analysis)을 사용 하여 대구경북강원권에 소재한 23개 대학의 운영 효율성을 분석 및 평가 하고, 효율적 운영을 위한 필요한 개선 방향을 탐색하는 것이다. 대구권 2개교, 경북권 14개교, 강원권 7개교, 총 23개 대학을 연구 대상으로 하 였으며, 투입변인은 교육비 환원율, 전임교원 확보율, 장학금 비율, 교사 확보율, 전임교원 1인당 교내연구비, 전임교원 1인당 교외연구비, 산출변 인은 정원내 신입생 충원율, 정원내 재학생 충원율, 졸업생의 취업률, 전 임교원 1인당 등재(후보)지 논문 실적으로 선정하였다. 기술통계를 위해 서는 E-STAT 3.0과 SPSS 25.0을 사용하였고, DEA분석을 위해서는 Frontier Analyst 및 B-Box 1.7.8을 활용하였다. 첫째, 연구 결과, 전체 대학 중 절반 이상이 상대적으로 효율적인 운영을 하고 있으며, 일부 대 학은 비효율적으로 운영되고 있어 개선의 여지가 있음을 확인하였다. 둘 째, 투입지향 및 산출지향 모형에서 유사한 결과가 도출되었으며, 투입과 산출 변인을 각각 관리하기보다는 동시에 종합적으로 관리하는 접근이 대학 운영 효율성 제고에 필요함을 확인하였다. 셋째, 대학이 주목해야 할 핵심 지표들을 파악함으로써, 자원의 효율적인 배치와 활용을 위한 개 선 방향을 확인할 수 있었다. 자료포락분석을 통한 대학의 운영 효율성과 비효율성을 구체적으로 파악한 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 대학의 자원을 보다 효과적으로 활용할 수 있는 운영 전략을 수립할 수 있을 것이다.
This study set up the estimates of leakage management efficiency evaluation and leakage management goal that could be used in local water distribution networks efficiency business and modernization business. The data were analyzed using data envelopment analysis and multiple regression analysis. To this end, with leakage management input indices concerning leakage reduction activities (e.g., aged pipe replacement, water meter replacement, leakage restoration, and leakage detection) and leakage management calculation indices (e.g., the increase of revenue water ratio and the reduction of leakage ratio), the data on 22 K-water consignment local water supply systems were analyzed for the years from 2004 through 2018. Using the results of efficiency analysis by data envelopment analysis, the other DMUs (Decision Making Unit) benchmarked the DMU with the highest efficiency to maximize the leakage management efficiency for all DMUs. Through this, leakage management goal estimates were drawn with the input indices of four leakage reduction activities and calculation indices of the increase of revenue water ratio and the reduction of leakage ratio by multiple regression analysis for each group based on the revenue water ratio and leakage ratio. The correlation coefficients of the leakage management goal estimate for the criteria for the revenue water ratio amounted to 0.553 and 0.771. The correlation coefficients of the leakage management goal estimate for the criteria for leakage ratio were 0.397 and 0.865. Accordingly, we estimated the quantity and priority of four leakage reduction activities for the target leakage ratio and revenue water ratio.
본 논문은 다품종 제조 기업이 DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) 기법을 이용하여 각 제품별 효율성을 평가하고 이에 따라 기업의 제품 선택에 적용하기 위한 방법을 연구하였다. 특히 국내의 자동차 부품을 제조하는 중소기업이 DEA를 적용하여 각각의 생산 품목별로 효율성을 분석하도록 함으로써, 생산 제품을 선택하는 의사결정에 활용하여 한정된 제품 개발 역량과 기업의 경영 능력을 보다 더 효과적으로 특화시킬 수 있도록 하는 사례를 연구하였다.
Estimating fishing capacity is one of current hot issues in the international fisheries. It is because that increased fishing capacity has caused not only fish stocks to be reduced, but also additional fishing costs to be incurred without additional incomes, which resulted in decrease of economically viability of fisheries. In order to solve this problem, FAO adopted 'the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity' in 1999 and recommended that member countries to measure fishing capacity and to implement the domestic action plan to reduce excess fishing capacity. This study is aimed at assessing fishing capacity of the octopus coastal trap fishery(OCTF) using data envelopment analysis(DEA) which is a method recommended by FAO. The DEA results on 10 individual OCTF vessels showed that the capacity utilization(CU) was a 0.93 on average, indicating some differences in CU among vessels(0.79-1.0). In addition, results of the sensitivity analysis revealed that under the current level of catch, the gross tonnage, horse power, days fished, and traps per trip could be reduced by 35%, 33%, 16%, and 18% on average, respectively.