
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2011.01 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dasan (茶山) Jung, Yak-Yong (丁若鏞, 1762-1836) who compiled the Practical Thought in the latter period of Chosun dynasty had asserted the acceptance of foreign advanced culture for the people's utilization and welfare. He, in Giyeron, asserted that Chosun should introduce the hi-tech culture of Chung dynasty for people's utilization and welfare including all the technical skill and new institutional systems. And he asserted that we should learn the merits of Japan, as it were (1) the strengthening of the national defence (2) the excellent shipbuilding technology (3) the lattice window of the official residences. Dasan criticized that Shin, Yu-Han (申維翰) who had dropped in Japan as a communication man hadn't surveyed on “the elaborateness of their industry and various training exercises" in Valhaesagyunmunrok (跋海槎見聞錄). He, in prefaces for declaration, asserted that the import of diverse hi-tech industry is the second obligation of the ambassador. Dasan who had classified the ambassador into two kinds as like (1) the style of Yi, Ki-Yang (李基讓) had contributed to the people's welfare by introducing their thrashing fan machine for raw cotton <prefaces for declaration>, (2) the style of Shin, Wi (申緯) had purchased oddly shaped stones for individual taste <Jaejaesukdo (題載石圖)> judged the latter more highly. He won the highest praise on Yi, Ki-Yang that his achievement could be stood beside Moon, Yik-Jum (文益漸) who had contributed a lot to the people's welfare by importing the cottonseed first. Dasan's assertion for the acceptance of foreign advanced culture had aimed just to the people's easy utilization and welfare had been derived from his realism and practicalism.