RC-SC 이종부재 접합부는 SC구조의 적용구간에 따라 RC-SC벽체 수평면 접합과 RC-SC벽체 연직면 접합 등 다양한 접합부 형태가 발생한다. 그러나 이종부재 접합부의 다양한 형태를 실증실험으로 모두 검증하기에는 비용과 시간 등 많은 제약사항이 존재한다. 선행연구에서 유한요소해석을 통해 다양한 이종부재 접합부 형태의 구조 건전성을 확인하고자 접합부 해석방법론을 개발 및 검증한바 있다. 본 연구에서는 RC-SC이종부재 접합부 해석 방법론을 개발하는 과정에서 선 수행한 요소별 해석결과, 제한조건 및 마찰계수별 해석결과 등 해석 시 요구되는 단계별 변수 해석결과를 분석/결정하여 RC-SC 이종부재 접합부 해석방법에 활용할 최적화된 변수를 선정하였다.
This paper focuses on the experimental study for investigating the performance for lap splice of hooked or headed reinforcement in beam with different depths. In the experiment, seven specimens, with its variables as the lap length of headed or hooked bar, the existence of stirrups, etc., was manufactured. Bending test was conducted. Lap strengths by test were compared with the theoretical model based on KCI2012. The result showed that the cracks at failure mode occurred along the axial direction to a headed bar. The initial stiffness and the stiffness after initial crack were similar for all specimens. For HS series specimens without stirrups, a 25% increase in lap length was increased 11.8~18.1% maximum strengths. For HH series specimens without stirrups, a increase in lap length did not affect the maximum strengths because of the pryout failure of headed bar. For HS series specimens, the theoretical lap strengths based on KCI2012 considering the B grade lap and the reduction factor for stirrup were evaluated. They are smaller than the test strengths and can ensure the safety in terms of strength capacity. For HH series specimens, the stirrups in the lap zone are needed to prevent the pryout behaviour of headed bar.
In the nuclear power plant, safety-related structures have been used above No. 11 rebar. It needs to mechanical connection device to join RC to SC walls because ACI 349 presents that lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than No.11 bar. The performance tests were performed to confirm structural integrity on connection of RC to SC using a mechanical connection device. But performing the tests in accordance with various connection cases has limitations, such as time or cost. Therefore, computational analysis methodology is developed in order to verify structural integrity for various connection cases.
An experimental study was conducted to propose an improved joint in the beam with non-uniform depths of cross-sections. The tested joint detail consisted of headed bars and 180-degree hooked bars. The parameters are the splice length and the confinement effect of strrups in lap zone. The increase of lap length and the confinement detail of strrup reinforcement in the lap zone did not affect the initial stiffness. It can be concluded that the proposed joint detail would be applicable to practical design by using the load transfer mechanism by the effects of confinement details.