
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The mesh selectivity of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) caught by coastal drift gill net was examined in field experiments with three different mesh sizes (45, 50 and 55 mm) from October to November, 2013 in the coastal areas of south-west of Jeju province. The mesh selectivity tests were conducted with the experimental net to be set middle part of conventional driftnets. The mesh selectivity tests were carried out the total of four times. The selectivity curve was estimated by the Kitahara’s and Fujimori’s method. In the results, the catch number of hairtail was 653 (125.8 kg) and occupied 34.8% in total catches weight. The optimal mesh size for 50% selection on the minimum landing size (180 mm, AL) and the first maturity size (260 mm, AL) of hairtail were estimated as 47.2 mm and 64.5 mm by master selectivity curves, respectively.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yield per recruit model is the most popular method for fisheries stock assessment. However, stock assessment using yield per recruit model can lead to recruitment overfishing as this model only considers the maximum yield per recruit without spawning biomass for reproduction. For this reason, spawning biomass per recruit model which reveals variations of spawning stock biomass per fishing mortality (F) and age at first capture (tc) is considered as more proper method for stock assessment. There are mainly two methods for spawning biomass per recruit model known as age specific selectivity method and knife– edged selectivity method. In the knife–edged selectivity method, the spawning biomass per recruit has been often calculated using biomass per recruit value by multiplying the maturity ratio of the recruited age. But the maturity ratio in the previous method was not considered properly in previous studies. Therefore, a new method of the knife–edged selectivity model was suggested in this study using a weighted average of the maturity ratio for ages from the first capture to the lifespan. The optimum fishing mortality in terms of F35% which was obtained from the new method was compared to the old method for small yellow croaker stock in Korea. The value of F35% using the new knife–edged selectivity model was 0.302/year and the value using the old model was 0.349/year. However, the value of F35% using the age specific selectivity model was estimated as 0.320/year which was closer to the value from the new knife–edged selectivity model.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Small yellow croaker is one of the important stocks in Korean waters. In this study, we conducted sea trials to estimate optimum height of a drift gill net for effective fishing of small yellow croaker. In the trial using existing net which has 9.2m in height, there was 22 species (1,180 fishes, 99.9kg) caught. The catch (in individuals) of small yellow croaker, especially larger fishes (over 22cm in FL), was higher as part of net height is higher, while the number of species bycaught and the catch of those species were higher as part of net height is lower. In the trial using extension net which has 18.4m in height, there was 27 species (2,030 fishes, 151.7kg). It showed same pattern with existing net in the section I to III, however, in the section IV which is over 13.8m of net height, the catch sharply decreased. The number of species bycaught and the catch of those species using extension net were also same as results using existing net. It showed that section III (9.2-13.8m) where is upper-middle part of the net has caught most of catch and large fishes having over 22cm in length. Through these results, it is judged that the setting depth of the net where is 4.6-13.8m above the sea bottom is the best to reduce bycatch and catch much more large size fishes, and the catch per net is proportional to filtering area of net. Therefore the Fisheries Resource Management Act (the clause 1, article 10) on the amount of usage for offshore drift gill net need to be considered not only length of a net but also net height.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a series of studies about improvement of yellow croaker drift gill net fishing gear and development of the labor saving fishing system, this study analyzed the behavior characteristics of fishing gear, which does use three types of different sinker materials in the field tests. The result of maritime performance test indicated that the fishing gear which used the lead reached the maximum depth and bio ceramics hauled to the surface of water the fastest. The correlation between the sinking time (St) and depth (Dsl, Dsc, Dsb) of maritime performance test can be shown such experimental equations as Dsl=2.70St - 0.75, Dsc = 2.38St - 1.15, Dsb = 1.77St - 4.00. The correlation between the hauling time (Ht) and depth (Dhl, Dhc, Dhb) of maritime performance test can be shown such experimental equations as and Dhl = 7.88Ht + 35.48, Dhc = 7.80Ht + 40.01, Dhb = 7.95Ht + 36.44.
        2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the basic study about improvement of yellow croaker drift gill net fishing implement and development of the fishing system, this study drew problem after synthetically analyzing hauling system of yellow croaker drift gill net used in the coast of Chuja Island and tested several characters and analyzed in hauling process with 5 step net hauler model for improving the problem. The analysis results are as follows. When the angle between axises of drum centers was small, it showed the tendency that hauling time was fast. Hauling time was faster when drum was 5 step rather than 3 step. When drum was 5 step, slippery phenomenon was small and hauling was stable. Tension was larger when drum was 5 step rather than 3 step. When drum was 5 step, the range of change of the maximum and minimum value was small and hauling was stable. When drum was 3 step, there was following formula between hauling time (Ht3) and angle between axises of drum centers (Ag) Ht3 : (7.15Hs-0.81) Ag-0.81, when drum was 5 step there was following formula.Ht5 : (6.45Hs-0.75) Ag0.10, here, Hs is hauling speed. When drum was 3 step and hauling speed was 28cm/sec, tension was T=0.08A83-1.60Ag3-0.49Ag+369.56(r=0.99), when drum was 5 step, tension was, T=-0.01Ag3+1.96Ag2-34.05Ag+414.58 (r-0.99), here, T was tension(g).
        1995.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 1994년 8월 1일부터 10월 5일 사이에 대변항을 중심으로 조업하고 있는 근해 멸치유자망 어선의 멸치유자망 표류상태를 측정하기 위하여 멸치유자망에 GPS 3개를 설치하여 유자망의 흐름을 측정하고, 조류계로 유향.유속을 측정하여 어구의 표류상태와 이들 상호간의 관계에 대해 검토, 분석하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 육상 고정점에 대한 GPS의 95% 확률원 오차는 대변항에서 79.8m였고 표준위치로부터 평균편위거리는 21.0m였다. 2) 대변항에서 GPS의 PDOP와 HDOP의 평균값은 각각 3.5, 1.9로서 비교적 안정된 측위를 얻을 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 3) Lat 35˚ 41.5'N에서 35˚ 43.5'N, Long 129˚ 30.1'E에서 129˚ 31.2'E 사이의 어장에서 그물의 뻗친 방향은 190˚ 였고 투망이 완료된 시점네서 전체 어구의 방향은 200˚ 였다. 양망 당시 어구의 전개된 형태는 직각으로 휘어진 모양이며 투망 완료 후 양망이 시작될 때까지 그물 전체는 170˚ ~ 180˚ 방향으로 표류하였다. 평균표류속도는 0.82kt였다. 4) Lat 35˚ 44.0'N에서 35˚ 45.2'N, Long 129˚ 33.0'E에서 129˚ 34.0'E 사이의 어장에서 그물을 뻗친 방향은 20˚ 였으며, 투망 완료시 어구의 전개는 20˚ 방향이고 양망 당시 어구의 전개된 형태는 N에서 S로 바뀌었는데, 투망 완료후 양망이 시작될 때까지 평균적으로 210~220˚ 방향으로 표류함을 알 수 있었다. 평균표류속도는 0.75kt였다. 5) Lat 35˚ 44.9'N에서 35˚ 46.0'N, Long 129˚ 34.0'E 사이의 어장에서 그물 뻗친 방향은 35˚ 였으며, 투망 완료된 어구의 형태는 50˚ 였고 양망 시작시 그물의 방향은 E에서 S방향으로 바뀌었다. 그물은 330˚ ~ 340˚ 방향으로 표류하였다. 평균표류속도는 0.63kt였다.