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        검색결과 2

        2024.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Concrete structures must maintain their shielding abilities and structural integrity over extended operational periods. Despite the widespread use of dry storage systems for spent nuclear fuel, research on the properties of deteriorated concrete and their impact on structural performance remains limited. To address this significant research gap, static and dynamic material testing was conducted on concrete specimens carefully extracted from the outer wall of the High-flux Advanced Neutron Application ReactOr (HANARO), constructed approximately 30 years ago. Despite its age, the results reveal that the concrete maintains its structural integrity impressively well, with static compression tests indicating an average compressive strength exceeding the original design standards. Further dynamic property testing using advanced high-speed material test equipment supported these findings, showing the consistency of dynamic increase factors with those reported in previous studies. These results highlight the importance of monitoring and assessing concrete structures in nuclear facilities for long-term safety and reliability.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Concrete structures of spent nuclear fuel interim storage facility should maintain their ability to shield and structural integrity during normal, off-normal and accident conditions. The concrete structures may deteriorate if the interim storage facility operates for more than several decades. Even if deterioration occurs, the concrete structures must maintain their own functions such as radiation shielding protection and structural integrity. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an analysis methodology that can evaluate whether the deteriorated concrete structure maintains its integrity under not only normal or off-normal condition but also accident condition. In this study, dynamic material testing was conducted on concrete cores extracted from HANARO exterior wall during seismic reinforcement construction. HANARO was constructed at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute in 1995, following strict nuclear quality assurance standards. In order to conduct the dynamic material testing of the extracted concrete cores, self-disposal had to be performed because the concrete cores were extracted and stored in a radiation controlled area. A self-disposal application was prepared and submitted based on the radionuclide analysis results, and it was finally approved in April 2023. Then, a test was performed by processing a specimen for dynamic property testing using a self-disposed concrete core. The concrete cores were processed to create specimens for dynamic material testing and the dynamic material testing was performed to obtain stress-strain diagrams according to the strain rate.