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        검색결과 4

        1998.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand the basic physics underlying large spatial fluctuations of intensity and Doppler shift, we have investigated the dynamical charctersitics of the transition region of the quiet sun by analyzing a raster scan of high resolution UV spectral band containing H Lyman lines and a S VI line. The spectra were taken from a quiet area of 100"×100" located near the disk center by SUMER on board SOHO. The spectral band ranges from 906 Å to 950 Å with spatial and spectral resolution of 1" and 0.044 Å, respectively. The parameters of individual spectral lines were determined from a single Gaussian fit to each spectral line. Then, spatial correlation analyses have been made among the line parameters. Important findings emerged from the present analysis are as follows. (1) The integrated intensity maps of the observed area of H I 931 line (1×10 4 K) and S VI 933 line (2×10 5 K) look very smilar to each other with the same characterstic size of 5". An important difference, however, is that the intensity ratio of brighter network regions to darker cell regions is much larger in S VI 933 line than that in H I 931 line. (2) Dynamical features represented by Doppler shifts and line widths are smaller than those features seen in intensity maps. The features are found to be changing rapidly with time within a time scale shorter than the integration time, 110 seconds, while the intensity structure remains nearly unchanged during the same time interval. (3) The line intensity of S VI is quite strongly correlated with that of H I lines, but the Doppler shift correlation between the two lines is not as strong as the intensity correlation. The correlation length of the intensity structure is found to be about 5.7' (4100 km), which is at least 3 times larger than that of the velocity structure. These findings support the notion that the basic unit of the transition region of the quiet sun is a loop-like structure with a size of a few 10 3 km, within which a number of unresolved smaller velocity structures are present.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have analyzed the time series of Ca II H,K and ⋋8498 line profiles taken for a sunspot (SPO 5007) with the Echelle spectrograph attached to Vacuum Tower Telescope at Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory. Each set of spectra was taken simultaneously for 20 minutes at a time interval of 30 seconds. A total of 40 photographic films for each line was scanned by a PDS at Korea Astronomy Observatory. The central peak intensity of Ca II H (Imax), the intensity measured at Δ⋋=-0.1 Å from the line center of ⋋8498 (I⋋8489), the radial velocity (Vr) and the Doppler width (Δ⋋D) estimated from Ca II H have been measured to study the dynamical behaviors of the sunspot chromosphere. Fourier analysis has been carried out for these measured quantities. Our main results are as follows: (1) We have confirmed the 3-minute oscillation being dominant throughout the umbra. The period of oscillations jumps from 180 sec in the umbra to 500 to 1000 sec in the penumbra. (2) The nonlinear character of the umbral oscillation is noted from the observed sawtooth shaped radial velocity fluctuations with amplitudes reaching up to 5~6 km/sec. (3) The spatial distribution of the maximum powers shows that the power of oscillations is stronger in the umbra than in the penumbra. (4) The spatial distributions of the time averaged < Imax > and < Vr > across the spot are found to be nearly axially symmetric, implying that the physical quantities derived from the line profiles of Ca II H and ⋋8498 are inherently associated with the geometry of the magnetic field distribution of the spot. (5) The central peaks of the CaII H emission core lead the upward motions of the umbral atmosphere by 90°, while no phase delay is found in intensities between Imax and I⋋8498, suggesting that the umbral oscillation is of standing waves.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have analyzed a set of high resolution photographic line profiles of a Zeeman sensitive Fe I λ 6302.5 line taken with the Universal Birefringent Filter over a single round sunspot (SPO 5007) at the Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory. The observed spectra recorded on films are traced by PDS and the traced densities are converted to relative intensity by means of IRAF. The Stokes I and V profiles are then constructed by adding together and subtracting from each other the left and right handed circular polarizations, respectively. The reduced I and V profiles are analyzed by means of the coarse analysis(Auer et al.(1977), Skumanich and Lites(1987)) with the use of inversion technique. It is found that the umbral field strength is about 3000 gauss and the field distribution follows closely the emperical model proposed by Wittmann(1974).