To understand the basic physics underlying large spatial fluctuations of intensity and Doppler shift, we have investigated the dynamical charctersitics of the transition region of the quiet sun by analyzing a raster scan of high resolution UV spectral band containing H Lyman lines and a S VI line. The spectra were taken from a quiet area of 100"×100" located near the disk center by SUMER on board SOHO. The spectral band ranges from 906 Å to 950 Å with spatial and spectral resolution of 1" and 0.044 Å, respectively. The parameters of individual spectral lines were determined from a single Gaussian fit to each spectral line. Then, spatial correlation analyses have been made among the line parameters. Important findings emerged from the present analysis are as follows. (1) The integrated intensity maps of the observed area of H I 931 line (1×10 4 K) and S VI 933 line (2×10 5 K) look very smilar to each other with the same characterstic size of 5". An important difference, however, is that the intensity ratio of brighter network regions to darker cell regions is much larger in S VI 933 line than that in H I 931 line. (2) Dynamical features represented by Doppler shifts and line widths are smaller than those features seen in intensity maps. The features are found to be changing rapidly with time within a time scale shorter than the integration time, 110 seconds, while the intensity structure remains nearly unchanged during the same time interval. (3) The line intensity of S VI is quite strongly correlated with that of H I lines, but the Doppler shift correlation between the two lines is not as strong as the intensity correlation. The correlation length of the intensity structure is found to be about 5.7' (4100 km), which is at least 3 times larger than that of the velocity structure. These findings support the notion that the basic unit of the transition region of the quiet sun is a loop-like structure with a size of a few 10 3 km, within which a number of unresolved smaller velocity structures are present.
The wide field (~20'×20') CCD photometry has been performed for more than 4,000 stars over a whole region of NGC 362 which is located inside the SMC halo. The Color-Magnitude diagram (CMD) and luminosit function (LF) for red giant branch (RGB) stars are presented, discussing a distinct bump along the RGB and some blue stars appearing in the blue horizontal branch (BHB) and above BHB. The anomalous globular cluster NGC 362 with highly populated red horizontal branch (RHB) stars is compared with the another anomalous globular cluster NGC 288 with highly populated BHB stars. A metal-rich, young blue component and metal-'poor, old red component of the SMC halo stars are examined.
We have made semi-analytical studies to investigate the configurations of caustics and the probability distribution of the flux factor K for the binary microlensing including external shears. A parametric equation of critical curve is derived in a 4th order complex polynomial. We present the topological dependencies of the caustics for selected gamma parameters (0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.3, 2.0, and 2.5) and convergence terms (0., 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0). For the purpose of analyzing the efficiency of High Amplification Event (HAE) on each caustics, we examine the probability distribution of the flux factor by a Monte Carlo method. Changing the separation of the binary system from 0.8 to 1.3 (in normalied unit), we examine the probability distribution of the K-values in various gamma parameters. The relationship between gamma parameters, seperations and their probabilties of the flux factor K have been studied. Our results show that the relatively higher K values (K>1.5) are increased as increasing the separation of the binary system. We therfore conclude that, in the N-body microlensing, the probabilities of higher HAEs are inversely proportional to the star density as well. We also point out that the present research might be used as a preliminary step toward investigating heavy N-body microlensing simulations.
We present UBV CCD photometry of Be 2, previously unstudied open cluster. Our photometry covers a field of 3'.2×3'.8 of the sky centered on the cluster, which is slightly smaller than the cluster diameter estimated to be about 260". We have determined the reddening, distance, age and metallicity of the cluster by fitting the Pad ova isochrones to the observed stellar distributions in color-magnitude diagram as well as main sequence fitting: E(B-V)=0.8±0.05, (m-M)o=13.6±0.1, log(t) =8.9±0.1, and Z=0.008. The present photometry shows that Be 2 is a distant open cluster of intermediate age. that it is a distant intermediate-age open duster.
We present B VRI CCD surface photometry for the central (6'.35 ×6'.35) regions of the dwarf elliptical galaxies NGC 185 and NGC 205 in the Local Group. Surface brightness profiles of NGC 185 (R<225") and NGC 205 (R<186") show excess components in the central regions. The colors of NGC 185 get bluer inward at R<25", while they remain constant at R ≥ 25". The colors of NGC 205 get bluer inward at 1"<R<50", and remain flat outside. Our photometry, supplemented by the photometry based on the far-ultraviolet and visual images of the HST archive data, shows that there is an inversion of color at the very nucleus region (at about 1"). The implications of the redder color of the core part of the nucleus compared with neighboring regions are discussed. The amount of the excess components in the central regions of these galaxies is estimated to be ≈10 5 L⊙. Distributions of dust clouds in the central regions of the two galaxies are also investigated.
The VI CCD photometry is made for stars in the globular cluster M22 down to V ≈ 19m, I ≈ 18m. In the color-magnitude diagram (CMD), red giant branch (RGB), asymtotic giant branch (AGB) and blue horizontal branch (BHB) are well defined. The luminosity functions (LF) of RGB, AGB and BHB stars are derived, discussing deficient gaps and bumps in the CMD. The anomalously wide RGB seen in the BV photometric system is found to disappear in the VI photometric system.