Lifting plan in the large spacial structure is an important factor influencing the efficiency and economy of the construction process. The purpose of this study was deriving the requirements for lifting techniques as the basic research in the double spoke wheel roof structure construction. In the lift up erection method, management plan of the interference error in the column and outer-ring was needed that occur during lifting roof structure. In the bent erection method, material usage reduction plan was required by the structural design of the temporary bent. In the hybrid erection method, lifting plan was needed that minimizes weather condition and crane usage. All lifting techniques were required Value Engineering model for reduction of cost and construction period.
The large-space single-layer lattice dome is relatively simpler in terms of the arrangement of the various framework members and of the design of the junction than the multi-layered lattice dome, can reduce the numbers and quantity of the framework members, and has the merit of exposing the beauty of the framework as it stands. The single-layer lattice dome, however, requires a stability investigation of the whole structure itself, along with an analysis of the stress of the framework members, because an unstable phenomenon called "buckling" occurs when its weight reaches critical levels. Many researchers have systematically conducted researches on the stability evaluation of the single-layer lattice dome. No construction case of a single-layer lattice dome with a 300-m-long span, however, has yet been reported anywhere in the world. The large-space dome structure is difficult to erect due to the gigantic span and higher ceiling compared with other common buildings, and its construction cost is generally huge. The method of erecting a structure causes major differences in the construction cost and period. Therefore, many researchers have been conducting various researches on the method of erecting such structure. The step-up method developed by these authors can reduce the construction cost and period to a great extent compared with the other general methods, but the application of this method inevitably requires the development of system supports in the center section as well as pre-existing supports in the boundary sections. In this research, the safety during the construction of a single-layer lattice dome with 300-m-long span using pre-existing materials was examined in the aspect of structural strength, and the basic data required for manufacturing the supports in the application of the step-up method developed by these authors during the erection of the roof structure were obtained.
최근 산업 발전과 더불어 대공간 건축물의 수요가 급증하고 있다. 이 분야 선진 기술은 지간 300m 이상의 대공간 건축물 실현도 가능하게 하고 있다. 대공간 구조에는 쉘구조, 스페이스 프레임 구조, 막구조, 케이블구조 등이 있다. 대공간 건축물은 기둥 없이 넓은 공간을 확보해야 하는 구조적 특성 때문에 설계초기 단계에서부터 시공문제를 병행하여 검토할 필요가 있다. 대공간 건축물 시공에 있어서 erection 공법은 공사비용, 공사기간 그리고 안전성 등에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 알려져 있다. 대공간 건축물 erection 공법은 현장 여건 및 제반 조건에 따라서 그 수를 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 많고 다양하지만, 대표적인 공법으로는 Element 방식, Block 방식, Sliding 방식, Lift-up 방식 그리고 복합방식 등이 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 대공간 건축물을 대상으로 시공당시 적용한 erection공법을 조사하여 이것을 규모별, span별, 층고별, 구조형식별로 분석 및 검토하여 향후 대공간 건축물의 효율적 erection 공법 개발을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다.