
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many electronic applications require magnetic materials with high permeability and frequency properties. We improve the magnetic permeability of soft magnetic powder by controlling the shape magnetic anisotropy of the powders and through the preparation of amorphous nanoparticles. For this purpose, the effect of the shape magnetic anisotropy of amorphous Fe-B-P nanoparticles is observed through a magnetic field and the frequency characteristics and permeability of these amorphous nanoparticles are observed. These characteristics are investigated by analyzing the composition of particles, crystal structure, microstructure, magnetic properties, and permeability of particles. The composition, crystal structure, and microstructure of the particles are analyzed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam analysis. The saturation magnetization and permeability are measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer and an LCR meter, respectively. It is confirmed that the shape magnetic anisotropy of the particles influences the permeability. Finally, the permeability and frequency characteristics of the amorphous Fe-B-P nanoparticles are improved.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, ultra-fine soft-magnetic micro-powders are prepared by high-pressure gas atomization of an Fe-based alloy, Fe-Hf-B-Nb-P-C. Spherical powders are successfully obtained by disintegration of the alloy melts under high-pressure He or N2 gas. The mean particle diameter of the obtained powders is 25.7 μm and 42.1 μm for He and N2 gas, respectively. Their crystallographic structure is confirmed to be amorphous throughout the interior when the particle diameter is less than 45 μm. The prepared powders show excellent soft magnetic properties with a saturation magnetization of 164.5 emu/g and a coercivity of 9.0 Oe. Finally, a toroidal core is fabricated for measuring the magnetic permeability, and a μr of up to 78.5 is obtained. It is strongly believed that soft magnetic powders prepared by gas atomization will be beneficial in the fabrication of high-performance devices, including inductors and motors.
        1998.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fe기 비정질합금에서 과냉각액체영역의 유무에 따른 열적 안정성을 비교평가하기 위하여 결정화온도 이하에서 유리천이가 나타나지 않는 Fe80P6C12B12합금과 52K의 과냉각 액체영역을 갖는 Fe73P11C6B4AI4Ge2 glassy 합금을 열분석하였다. 등온결정화에 의한 열분석의 결과 JMA plot의 n값은 Fe80P6C12B12합금이 1.8-2.2이고 과냉각 액체영역을 갖는 Fe73P11C6B4AI4Ge2 합금이 2.5-4.0으로서 후자의 경우가 열적으로 안정하였다. 결정화의 양상은 Fe80P6C12B12 합금의 경우 핵생성속도가 일정할 때 확산율속에 의해 결정입자가 성장하는 반면 Fe73P11C6B4AI4Ge2 glassy합금의 경우 핵생성속도가 일정할 때 계면입자가 성장한다. Fe73P11C6B4AI4Ge2 합금 및 Fe80P6C12B12 합금의 결정화에 필요한 활성화에너지, 핵생성 및 성장에 필요한 활성화에너지는 각각 371, 353kJ/mol, 그리고 324, 301KJ/mol 및 301, 273KJ/mol로서 과냉각 액체영역을 갖는 합금이 열적으로 안정하다고 판단된다.