
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fen(分°) is the proportional dimension unit of the standard timber section on Yingzaofashi(營造法式), and there is a phrase that not only structural members but the whole structural design of a building also use Fen as the dimension unit on the book. But in fact only the section dimensions of structural members are recorded by Fen, but the design dimensions are recorded by Chi(尺) on the book. Other historical records also described the building size by Chi. So there has been long-standing debate on the phase in Chinese architectural history society, including the recent confrontation on the analysis of survey figures of the east great hall of Foguangsi temple(佛光寺東大殿). This paper analyzes all the records about the size of structural members and section planning on the book to make various calculation and evaluation. And it makes a survey of Cai(材) as the dimension and design unit between Chi and Fen through geometric analysis. Cai might be a rough unit of measurement in terms of structural and proportional scheming on Yingzaofashi, and the full size Cai(足材) had been a building scheming module before the Song dynasty.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프로문학이 갖는 정치성은 어떤 스펙트럼을 보여줄 수 있을까? 蔣光慈는 기존의 평가(혁명+연애의 클리셰)와는 달리 색다른 소재와 콘셉트를 시도하여 프로문학의 地境을 넓혀간 작가임을 기억할 필요가 있다. 존재의 외연을 확장하는 일. 감정의 파 동이 일어나는, 가장 내밀한 실존으로의 침잠. 이 모순된 방향의 움직임이 蔣光慈의 서사에서는 동시에 포착된다. 蔣光慈는 혁명의 파고를 관통하면서 첨예한 아이덴티티의 ‘경계’를 경험했던 문제적 인물들을 그려낸다. 주류 서사와 비주류 서사가 공존 하는 蔣光慈의 세계는 좌익문학사에서 독특한 위치를 점한다. 무엇보다 혁명의 관습 과 윤리가 힘을 잃는 내면의 깊은 곳, 그곳에서 마주하게 되는 공허함은 혁명 서사의 圖式을 뛰어넘는 어떤 울림을 선사한다. 본고는 그 울림과 함께 ‘이데올로기’를 초월하는 ‘개체’의 존립 가능성을 蔣光慈의 『菊芬』 속에서 탐색해 보고자 한다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the reconstruction of the past vegetational changes in Jeju Island, Korea, pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating on the sediments obtained from the Mulyeongari fen were carried out. By the results, the vegetational changes around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP to the present can be interpreted and reconstructed. The pollen record from the Mulyeongari fen was divided into two local pollen assemblage zones and three sub-pollen assemblage zones. Zone I (Quercus-Carpinus-Herbs Zone) was characterized by the predominance of Quercus(30~63%), Carpinus(9~35%) and herbs(40~424%). Zone II was characterized by three sub-pollen assemblage zones and the high occurrence ratio of the tree layer in comparison with Zone I. In Zone IIa (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), herbs(3~161%) were drastically decreased in predominance of Quercus(28~56%) and Carpinus(14~31%). In Zone IIb (Carpinus-Quercus Zone), Carpinus(36~48%) was preferentially increased but Quercus(29~39%) was slightly decreased. In Zone IIc (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), Carpinus(26~38%) was decreased inversely but Quercus(36~50%) was increased. In addition, Cyperaceae was also increased to 52%. Consequently, it is suggested that cool temperate southern/sub-montane vegetation composed of Quercus and Carpinus which was physiognomy of deciduous broad leaved forest was distributed around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP. In addition, Cyclobalanopsis(4~23%), Castanopsis(1~12%) and Myrica(under 1%) which are warm-temperate evergreen deciduous forest components were constantly appeared from this period. Accordingly, it can be inferred that the present vegetation type around the Mulyeongari fen was formed from ca. 180 cal. yr BP.