
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of using films on students’ reading comprehension and attitude toward their English study in the context of a college English class. Specifically, it attempted to examine how a film-based English reading class affected students’ reading comprehension and attitudes toward their study, and how they recognized the film-based English reading class. Thirty-one college students were asked to take pre- and post-tests in English reading, and to respond pre- and post-questionnaires regarding their affective domain, and a focus group of four students was voluntarily interviewed with one of two researchers. Quantitatively, a paired t-test was employed to compare the statistical means from those two samples, and qualitatively, the framework developed by Miles and Huberman (1994) was adopted to describe the major phases of data analysis. The results of data analysis indicated that 1) Using films in the college English reading was helpful for students to comprehend the given text, and to understand other cultures; 2) Also this film-based reading class optimally contributed to the affective domain such as students’ attitudes, interests, and confidence levels. Based on these results, pedagogical implications for effective English reading classes were suggested.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses some of the expected features of multimedia based education and the teaching approach that promote active learning. The possibility of the multimedia-based education can have potential roles in enhancing learning. The particular attention is paid to the audio and visual presentation of the material with the goal of improving comprehension and retention. Certainly multimedia based education in English was developed by many researchers. On the contrary, multimedia based education in German has not been developed. In particular, Fritz Lang`s film <M> will be analyzed in this paper. It is Lang`s first soundfilm, so that the sound and picture have an effective function in the film. Otherwise the film. which was made in the Weimar Republic, presents social anxieties in Germany of the 1930. The paper concludes that multimedia based education in German is not only language but also culture education useful and effective.