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        검색결과 7

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chlorine is a crucial radionuclide that must be removed in irradiated nuclear graphite. Understanding the interaction between chlorine and graphene-based materials is essential for studying the removal process of 36Cl from irradiated nuclear graphite. In this study, first-principle density functional theory (DFT) was utilized to investigate the adsorption characteristic of chlorine on the original and reconstructed edges of graphene-based materials. Based on the calculation of adsorption energy of the structures after each step of adsorption, the most energetically favorable adsorption routes at four types of edge were determined: Along the armchair edge and reconstructed zigzag edge, the following adatoms would be adsorbed to compensate the distortion induced by the previously adsorbed atom. Meanwhile at the original zigzag edge, chlorine atoms would be adsorbed alternatively along the edge to minimize the repulsion between two adjacent chlorine atoms. The chemical nature of the bonds formed as a result of adsorption was elucidated through an examination of the density of states (DOS) for the two adsorbed chlorine atoms and the carbon atoms attached. Furthermore, to assess the relative stability of the adsorption structures, formation energy of all energetically favorable structures following adsorption was computed. Consequently, the predominant adsorption structure was identified as the reconstructed armchair edge with two chlorine atoms adsorbed. The desorption process of 36Cl2 from the predominant structure following adsorption was simulated, revealing an energy barrier of 1.14 V for desorption. Comparison with experimental results suggests that the chlorine removed from reconstructed armchair edges significantly contributes to the low-temperature removal stage of 36Cl from irradiated nuclear graphite.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sensing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a growing research topic because of the concern about their hazard for the environment and health. Furan is a VOC produced during food processing, and it has been classified as a risk molecule for human health and a possible biomarker of prostate cancer. The use of carbon nanotubes for VOCs sensing systems design could be a good alternative. In this work, a theoretical evaluation of the interactions between furan and zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes takes into account different positions and orientations of the furan molecule, within a density-functional theory first-principles approach. The van der Waals interactions are considered using different exchange-correlation functionals (BH,C09, DRSLL and KBM). The results indicate that vdW-functionals do not significantly affect geometry; however, the binding energy and the distance between furan and nanotube are strongly dependent on the selected exchange-correlation functional. On the other hand, the effects of single and double vacancies on carbon nanotube are considered. It was found that the redistribution of charge around the single-vacancy affects the bandgap, magnetic moment, and binding energy of the complex, while furan interaction with a double-vacancy does not considerably change the electronic structure of the system. Our results suggest that to induce changes in the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes by furan, it is necessary to change the nanotube surface, for example, by means of structural defects.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using first-principles theory, this work investigated the Cu-doping behavior on the N-vacancy of the C3N monolayer and simulated the adsorption performance of Cu-doped C3N (Cu–C3N) monolayer upon two dissolved gases ( H2 and C2H2). The calculations meant to explore novel candidate for sensing application in the field of electrical engineering evaluating the operation status of the transformers. Our results indicated that the Cu dopant could be stably anchored on the N- vacancy with the Eb of − 3.65 eV and caused a magnetic moment of 1 μB. The Cu–C3N monolayer has stronger performance upon C2H2 adsorption than H2 give the larger Ead, QT and change in electronic behavior. The frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory indicates that Cu–C3N monolayer has the potential to be applied as a resistance-type sensor for detection of such two gases, while the work function analysis evidences its potential as a field-effect transistor sensor as well. Our work can bring beneficial information for exploration of novel sensing material to be applied in the field of electrical engineering, and provide guidance to explore novel nano-sensors in many fields.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using first-principles theory, we investigated the adsorption performance of CoN4- CNT towards six small gases including NO, O2, H2, H2S, NH3, and CH4, for exploiting its potential application for chemical gas sensors. The frontier molecular orbital theory was conducted to help understand the conductivity change of the proposed material at the presence of gas molecules. The desorption behavior of gas molecules from CoN4- CNT surface at ambient temperature was analyzed as well to determine its suitability for sensing application. Results show that CoN4- CNT is a promising material for O2 and NH3 sensing due to their desirable adsorption and desorption behaviors while not appropriate for sensing NO due to the poor desorption ability and for sensing CH4 and H2 given the poor adsorption behavior. Our calculation would provide a first insight into the CoN4- embedded effect on the structural and electronic properties of single-walled CNT, and shed light on the application of CoN4- CNT towards sensing of small gases.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon-supported Pt catalyst systems containing defect adsorption sites on the anode of direct methanol fuel cells were investigated, to elucidate the mechanisms of H2 dissociation and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Density functional theory calculations were carried out to determine the effect of defect sites located neighboring to or distant from the Pt catalyst on H2 and CO adsorption properties, based on electronic properties such as adsorption energy and electronic band gap. Interestingly, the presence of neighboring defect sites led to a reduction of H2 dissociation and CO poisoning due to atomic Pt filling the defect sites. At distant sites, H2 dissociation was active on Pt, but CO filled the defect sites to form carbon π-π bonds, thus enhancing the oxidation of the carbon surface. It should be noted that defect sites can cause CO poisoning, thereby deactivating the anode gradually.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Na+ ion conductivity can be improved by the substitution of an Mg atom for an Al atom to form a nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. We performed a first principles study to investigate the most stable substitution site of an Mg atom and the resulting structural change of the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. Al atoms were classified as four different layers in the spinel block that are separated by conduction planes in the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina. The substitution of an Mg atom for an Al atom at a tetragonal site was more favorable than that at an octahedral site. The substitution in the spinel block was more favorable than that close to the conduction plane. This result was well explained by the volume changes of the polyhedrons, by the standard deviation of the Mg-O distance, and by the comparison with bulk MgO structure. Our result indicates that the most preferable site for the Mg atom was the tetrahedral site at the spinel block in the nonstoichiometric Na+ β-alumina.