
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, the direction of houses are typically determined by considering the directional orientation and shape of the mountain range rather than ignoring the geographical feature of the mountain range. Traditional villages of Korea are known to have very particular ways of adopting the geomantic surroundings of natural environment. This is very true especially in decision of the directional orientation of the houses in the village. Almost all houses have a high mountain in the back and a lower mountain in front. At the same time, most of the houses tend to prefer south as a main direction so that they can receive more sun light. However, if the mountain range faces north, it will not be easy to determine the directional orientation of houses. This paper, therefore, tries to identify how the houses of villages facing north, direct the orientation. This, the northern village, solves the problem by facing all direction rather than one major direction. The houses of the villages facing north, tend to revise the direction by changing the back mountain(주산) or front mountain(안산) that helps them change the direction towards the range of eastern or western direction. As a result, the houses tend to the direction towards east and west compared to north and south. The directional orientation of houses was clearly distributed or concentrated by depending on the shape and directional orientation of the mountain range. This kind of research let us know the relationship between the natural north direction, the direction of geomantic surrounding, and the direction of houses in traditional Korean villages.