
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this research was to clarify the park area per person in Daegu and to provide the data for distributing the park area with each zone evenly. The results were as follows; 1) The types of green space were classified to 52 classes in forest area, agriculture area and developed area. 2) The analysis of the park area per person, at the 9 dong was presented over area and at any dong was presented below area or no green space. 3) The park area rate was presented at the highest in Dalsung-gun, 26.7% and at the lowest in Narn-gu, 1.2%. In comparison to urban park area rate in Daegu 8.9%, over rate was presented 3 zone and in the rest zones were presented below 6%. We concluded that concentration of the park area rate in some zone was serious.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인천광역시 강화도 지역의 산지형 도시녹지를 대상으로 식생구조 분석을 통한 관리방향 제시를 목적으로 하였다. 총면적 11,331ha에 대한 현존식생 분석 결과 식물군집은 19개 유형으로 분리할 수 있었는데 이중 상수리나무군집, 소나무-상수리나무군집, 신갈나무군집 등 2차림이 전체의 92.32%(10,461ha)를 차지하고 있었다. 아까시나무림 등 인공식재림은 전체의 5.40%(612ha)로서 수도권지역 다른 도시들 보다 적은 면적을 나타내었다. 총 57개 조사구에 대한 TWINSPAN에 의한 classification분석 결과 총 7개 군집으로 분리되었는데 그것은 리기다소나무(군집 A), 상수리나무(군집 B), 소나무-상수리나무(군집 C), 상수리나무-소나무 (군집 D), 소나무-서어나무-졸참나무-상수리나무(군집 E), 졸참나무-신갈나무(군집 F), 느티나무-고로쇠나무 (군집 G)이었다. 강화도 지역은 온대 중부지방에서의 일반적인 천이진행단계인 소나무림에서 상수리나무림을 거쳐 신갈나무림, 졸참나무림, 서어나무림으로 생태적 천이가 진행중인 것으로 파악되었다. 토양 pH는 평균 4.17의 강산성 토양으로서 토양환경 개선을 위한 연구가 산림식생 관리계획에서 중요한 것으로 나타났다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the placement shape and correlation of green space focusing on anion that is one of curing substances. As its result, it was found out that the meteorological element becomes different and the generated amount of anion also gets different along such different meteorological element in case the shape of placing green space. As the result of analyzing the correlation with meteorological element , it was analyzed that it was the positive correlation in case of time, temperature and relative humidity and it was also analyzed that it was negative correlation in case of wind velocity and amount of light. But, in case of wind velocity, it was considered that the further complement research is required as the sampling distribution was shown as so biased by the windproof effect of the trees planted at the outskirts of green space in case of wind velocity. Based on th analyzed results as above, it suggested the model of generating anion by implementing multiple regression analysis such as y = -2462.383 + 0.304x1 x 72.746x2 x 7.315x3 x - 0.138x4 (x1; time, x2; air temperature, x3; relative humidity, x4; luminous intensity, R2; 0.691).