This study is intended to evaluate the value of functional aspect from the viewpoint of habitat. The indicators that are used in biotope evaluations are various, but most of them use the criteria to evaluate the naturality. This evaluation method cannot appropriately reflect the functional characteristics coming from relation to the surrounding biotope. In this study, the connectivity, cohesion and diversity between individual biotope are quantitatively measured by a landscape index. It is hard to draw the functional value of individual biotopes because the landscape index related to connectivity, cohesion and diversity comes from a landscape having a number of biotopes. The concept of contribution was used to overcome this limitation. The concept of contribution is to quantify how much each individual biotope contributes to the connectivity, cohesion, and diversity in a certain range of landscape by deriving the amount of change in the landscape index according to the presence or absence of each individual biotope. In order to understand the characteristics of evaluation results in functional aspect, this research has done a comparative analysis of the previous research findings in the same target area. According to the result of the research, individual biotopes such as artificial forests, fragmented natural forests, and small planting sites were highly rated.
This study aimed to suggest a framework for biotope classification and evaluation based on habitat values to rationally establish management areas of national parks. The factors and indicators related to the biotope classification and evaluation were established based on integration from those of previous studies. The decision tree evaluation process was applied to the classification and evaluation of the biotope type level. The evaluation of the biotope group level was carried out to determine the weight and the AUEM (Adding Up Estimation Matrix) was applied for the final grades. As a result, the biotope type of Seolaksan National Park was classified into 43 types and Odaesan National Park was classified into 41 types. Bukhansan National Park, which is located in a metropolitan city, was classified into 49 types. In terms of biotope evaluation, grade Ⅲ had a ratio of 50.6%, the highest in Seolaksan national park. The ratios of grade I and grade II, which have great ecological-value, were respectively 12.0% and 36.5%. Grade II was 48.2%, the highest ratio in Odaesan National Park. The ratios of grades I and II were 10.8% and 37.9%, respectively. Grade III was 54.8%, the highest ratio in Bukhansan national park, and the ratios of grade I and grade II, which have great ecological-value were, respectively, 11.4% and 25.7%. The biotope values of major national parks were evaluated according to the type focusing on the actual vegetation. This framework can be considered for application to the spatial management of other types of protected areas.