항내 정온도 평가는 이상파 및 평상파 조건에 대해 수행이 되어야 하나, 어항개발 시 이루어지는 평가는 이상파에 대해서만 수행되고 있다. 축산항, 교암항, 궁평항 및 시산항에 대한 사례를 통해 해역이용협의 시 정온도 평가에 대한 실태를 분석하였다. 대상항 모두 이상파에 대한 항내 정온도를 평가를 수행하였으나, 목표 정온도를 만족하지 못하였다. 평상파에 대한 정온도는 가동률로 평가하며, 가동률을 평가하기 위해서는 장기간의 파랑관측이 필요하나 수행되지 않고 있었다. 가동률에 대한 평가는 계획의 적정성과 관련 있는 평가항목이기 때문에 개발로 인한 해양환경에 미치는 악영향을 최소화할 수 있는 계획의 수립과 어업인들의 정주환경 개선을 평가하기 위해서는 수행이 필요하다. 정온도 평가를 위해서는, 정온도 평가에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하고, 장기간의 파랑관측이 수행되어야 하며, 평상파 및 이상파에 대한 평가절차를 명확히 해야 한다. 그리고 실효적인 계획이 수립될 수 있도록 조석정보와 같은 파랑정보의 제공 및 정온도를 평가할 수 있는 가이드라인의 수립이 필요하다.
This study examined the port expansion plan for the fishery port at the east coast of Korea, in accordance with permission conditions for coastal ports such as a limit on the cargo volume and passenger demand for the coastal tourism belt formation. The site was chosen as a municipal coastal port attracting the new ocean industry and building waterfront zone as a hub of new marine tourism. Two different numerical models (Swan and Bouss 2D) were used. Before applying to the target sea area, some numerical tests were conducted for the variation according to Bouss-2D's strong/weak and nonlinear technique compared to the irregular diffraction of semi-infinite breakwater with a theoretical solution. As a result, there was a difference in strong nonlinearity with breaking waves and it was necessary to experiment with a strong nonlinear analysis technique for the actual site. Two numerical models were applied to the fishery port site and the tranquility of some alternatives were analyzed. The numerical results show the most suitable plan was ALT-1, with satisfied harbor tranquility and reasonable economic sense. The extension of the east breakwater and enlarged turning basin of the F-Land plan have brought generally more stable harbor tranquility than the ALT-1. The result can be used as a reference for the port expansion plan in the future.
Due to the increased demand for safety and security requirements on the port infrastructure, the harbor tranquility is one of the important parameter in the mooring basin of harbor. It relates keenly to berthing/unberthing and cargo handling works but also it is an important indicator to get the minimum water area as the safe refuge. Hupo harbor is a national coastal harbor located in east coast of Korea and a development plan for a new marina near the entrance is being carried out including berth layouts, breakwater extensions, 300m marina berths, dredging and land reclamation works. The new plan will impact on calmness of the existing port. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze in complex the variation of wave height and direction caused by wave refraction, diffraction, shoaling and reflection from the incident waves from outside the harbor. In order to check the calmness inside a harbor, the numerical models are being used currently need fundamental reviews according to the difference of results which depend on their respective features. In this study, hence, it was introduced the validity of numerical models by comparing the computational results with the hydraulic model experiment. The current investigations contribute to the existing development recommendations and provide further solutions for port planning.