Anthocyanin in blackish purple rice is composed of cyanidin, peonidin, malvidin, pelargonidin and delphinidin flavylium ion and their glucosides, which shows antioxidant activity similar to a-tocoperol. It has been demonstrated that cyanidin-3-glucoside(C3G) of anthocyanin has a high-potency antioxidant activity, and is a prominent in anticancer and antithrombotic activity. In analysis of content of anthocyanin from the genetic source of blackish purple rice, the level of C3G was approximately 80% of total contents of anthocyanins, and showed the highest content in Heugjinjubyeo, of which contains an amount of 500 mg by weight of 100g brown rice in comparison that most of varieties has less than 50mg by weight of 100g brown rice. We found that C3G pigment in blackish purple rice was considerably affected by cultural season, cultivation area, ripening temperature, and weather condition, etc. as well as genetic properties. In cross combination between Heugjinjubyeo and Suwon425, intermediate parent F9 generation which was three times higher or more in C3G content than that of Heugjinjubyeo was bred, of which it contained an amount of 1678 mg by weight of 100g brown rice, and we called it 'C3GHi' Rice. And, we found that the C3GHi rice was more excellent than that of the existing Heugjinjubyeo in anticancer and antithrombotic activity. Methanol extract from Heugjinjubyeo was fractionated by organic solvents in order of n-hexane, CH2Cl2 and n-BuOH, and then oryzafuran, quercetin, vanillic acid and protocatechuic acid and their structures from the n-BuOH fraction were ascertained. Oryzafuran of these compounds was a natural compound found firstly in nature. Quercetin and protocatechuic acid besides new compound oryzafuran showed excellent antioxidant ability to vitamin C. These results suggest that blackish purple rice has very high value as a source of various functional food as well as staple food.
The natural pigment Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) content of rice bran was analyzed with different polishing degrees in pigment layer of Heugjinjubyeo produced at National Crop Experiment Station in 1999. The general composition of rice bran of Heugjinjubyeo
흑진주벼 색소 분획의 급성독성 시험을 하기 위하여 ICR계 생쥐 각 암수 6마리를 1주일 이상 순화시킨 다음 경구투여를 실시하여 14일 동안 급성독성 평가를 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 색소추출물의 급성독성 실험에서 생쥐의 암수 모두 9000mg/kg의 대량 경구 용량에서도 사용한 6마리가 모두 사망하지 않았다. 2 1000, 3000 및 9000mg/kg 경구 용량에서 14일간 측정한 체중변화는 대조군과 유의성 있는 변화가 없었고 증상의 이상도 보이지 않았다. 3. 경구 용량 시험의 부검결과 대조군과 유의성 있는 체중변화와 다른 증상의 이상이 관찰되지 않아서 안정성이 높은 물질로 확인되었다.