
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the operation of a nuclear power plant (NPP), the generation of radioactive waste, including dry active waste (DAW), concentrates, spent resin, and filters, mandates the implementation of appropriate disposal methods to adhere to Korea’s waste acceptance criteria (WAC). In this context, this study investigates the potential use of polymer concrete (PC) as a high-integrity container (HIC) material for solidifying and packaging these waste materials. PC is a versatile composite material comprising binding polymers, aggregates, and additives, known for its exceptional strength and chemical stability. A comprehensive analysis of PC’s long-term integrity was conducted in this study. First, its compressive strength, which is crucial for ensuring the structural stability of HICs over extended periods, was evaluated. Subsequently, the resilience of PC was tested under various stress conditions, including biological, radiological, thermal, and chemical stressors. The findings of this study indicate that PC exhibits remarkable long-term properties, demonstrating exceptional stability even when subjected to diverse stressors. The results therefore underscore the potential viability of PC as a reliable material for constructing high-integrity containers, thus contributing to the safe and sustainable management of radioactive waste in NPPs.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste powder generated from the primary system of nuclear power plants (NPPs) should be treated and disposed of in the form of solidified products or high integrity container (HIC) packages. We are preparing for the application of polymer concrete high integrity containers (PC-HICs) that has been approved for disposal and field application after going through the disposal suitability review of the repository operator and the license review process of the regulatory body. A reliable assessment of nuclide inventory in waste drum is required for the disposal of the radioactive waste drums, and the representative samples should be collected for both the indirect (non-destructive assessment based on the scaling factor, average radioactivity concentration, etc.) and direct (destructive analysis) evaluation of the difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides. It is important to secure the representativeness of samples for reliable and accurate evaluation of radionuclide inventory and approval of methodologies for highly radioactive waste such as spent resin and concentrate waste poser, and in order to secure the radiation safety of the sampling workers and representativeness of the samples, a remote sampling method is required with excellent convenience and safety and sufficient representativeness of the sample. The simple sampling device used in the past to collect samples for the scaling factor does not have a remote control function, so high-radiation samples must be collected within a very short time and it is difficult to obtain sufficiently representative samples due to structural characteristics that cannot collect the entire sample in the axial direction of the package. Therefore we developed concept designs for a remote sampling device that can satisfy both sample representativeness, operator convenience and safety.