This study was conducted to investigate the development and gene expression in miniature pig nuclear transfer (mNT) embryos produced under different osmolarity culture conditions. Control group of mNT embryos was cultured in PZM-3 for 6 days. Treatment group of mNT embryos was cultured in modified PZM-3 with NaCl (mPZM-3, 320 mOsmol) for 2 days, and then cultured in PZM-3 (270 mOsmol) for 4 days. Blastocyst formation rate of the treatment group was significantly higher than the control and the apoptosis rate was significantly lower in treatment group. Bax- and caspase-3 mRNA expression were significantly higher in the control than the treatment group. Also, the majority of imprinting genes were expressed aberrantly in in vitro produced mNT blastocysts compared to in vivo derived blastocyst H19 and Xist mRNA expression were significantly lower in the control than the treatment group or in vivo. IGF2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in the control than the treatment group or in vivo. IGF2r mRNA expression was significantly lower in the control. Methylation profiles of individual DNA strands in H19 upstream T-DMR sequences showed a similar methylation status between treatment group and in vivo. These results indicate that the modification of osmolarity in culture medium at early culture stage could provide more beneficial culture environments for mNT embryos.
This study investigated the developmental ability and gene expression of somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using ear skin fibroblast cells derived from miniature pig. When miniature pig (m) and landrace pig (p) were used as donor cells, there were no differences in cleavage (79.2 vs. 78.2%) and blastocyst rates (27.4 vs. 29.7%). However, mNT blastocysts showed significantly higher apoptosis rate than that of pNT blastocysts (6.1 vs. 1.7%) (p<0.05). The number of nuclei in pNT blastosysts was significantly higher than that of mNT (35.8 vs. 29.3) (p<0.05). Blastocysts were analyzed using Realtime RT-PCR to determine the expression of Bax-, Bcl-xl, H19, IGF2, IGF2r and Xist. Bax- was higher in mNT blastocyst than pNT blastocyst (p<0.05). There was no difference in Bcl-xl between two NT groups. Bax-/Bcl-xl was, however, significantly higher in mNT blastocyst compared to pNT. The expression of imprinting genes were aberrant in blastocysts derived from NT compared to in vivo blastocysts. H19 and IGF2r were significantly lower in mNT blastocysts (p<0.05). The expression of IGF2 and Xist was similar in two NT groups. However, imprinting genes were expressed aberrantly in mNT compared to pNT blastocysts. The present results suggest that the NT between donor cells derived from miniature pig and recipient oocytes derived from crossbred pig might affect reprogramming of donor cell, resulting in high apoptosis and aberrant expression patterns of imprinting genes.
The companion cells of the Arabidopsis thaliana egg and sperm, the central and vegetative cells, undergo active DNA demethylation prior to fertilization. However, its biological significance, extent of conservation, and targeting preferences are not yet clear. We recently showed that localized demethylation of interspersed, small transposable elements is a common feature of A. thaliana companion cells. The DEMETER DNA glycosylase encodes active DNA demethylase activity and is required for seed production. DME-mediated DNA demethylation in the central cell is required to establish imprinted gene expression in the endosperm, and is considered a master regulator for plant gene imprinting. However, the similarity among DME targets in the central and vegetative cells, despite their different functions and developmental fates, suggests that establishment of genomic imprinting may not be the basal function of DME. Lack of DEMETER in vegetative cells causes reduced methylation of transposons in sperm. Our observation suggests that the primary function of companion cell demethylation is to reinforce transposon silencing in plant gametes.