
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the species composition and bycatch status of fishes by fyke net between June and November 2020 in Asanho lake and Chungjuho lake. During the survey period, the catches in Asanho lake were identified as 2,931 individuals of 16 species from a total of six families and in Chungjuho lake were identified as 1,645 individuals of 14 species from a total of eight families. The dominant species in Asanho lake was Erythroculter erythropterus which accounted for 59.6% of the the total number of individuals and 40.5% of the total biomass caught. The dominant species in Chungjuho lake was Lepomis macrochirus which accounted for 48.2% of the the total number of individuals and Erythroculter erythropterus which accounted for 60.2% of the total biomass caught. The bycatch rates of non-commercial species in Asanho lake and Chungjuho lake were 77.0% and 82.6%, respectively. As a result of analyzing the frequency distribution of the total length of Carassius auratus and Siniperca scherzeri, which were the dominant species among commercial species, the bycatch rate of small individuals was 87.1%, and 42.7%, respectively.