Enterprise informatization is a complex system made of management philosophy, management methods and information technology. According to Porter's valuechain thinking, enterprise informatization actually builds the foundation platform for the primary activities and secondary activities that create business value. Therefore, performance of enterprise informatization has characteristics of integrity, indirection, long-term and so on. This paper, based the enterprise informatization performance has the charac on the value evaluation and from the input-output process perspective, sets cognitive variables to systematically descript input and output of enterprise informatization and builds a class of cognitive performance evaluation model. The empirical studies have shown that the model can describe the performance of enterprise informatization systematically and provide the quantitative evidence for enterprise informatization management.
The aim of this paper is to identify Korean agricultural and agri-manufacturing cluster using a multi-regional input-output model. This paper derives a representative set of five agricultural and agri-manufacturing clusters in Korea in terms of spatial and industrial interdependency. The results show that agriculture and agri-manufacturing clusters agglomerated in Seoul Metropolitan Area and Chungcheong Area are linked both production and manufacture functions, whereas Gangwon Area is more focused on production and Jeolla Area is more concentrated on manufacture.