실파용으로 적정 양액농도를 구명하고자 수경재배용으로 선발한 '금장외대파'와 '토쿄구로파' 품종을 공시하여 담액식으로 하여 시험을 수행하였다. 양액종류 시험을 통해 선발된 야마자키 처방의 싹파 전용 양액(NO3--N 9.0, NH4+-N 3.0, PO43--P 6.0, K+7.0, Ca2+ 2.0, Mg2+ 2.0, and SO42--S 4.4me·L-1)을 이용하여 EC 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4dS·m-1의 4수준으로 처리한 결과 초장, 구당 생체중과 건물중에 있어서 두 품종 모두 EC 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 0.6dS·m-1 순으로 양호하였다. 최대 생체중을 위한 남장외대파와 '토쿄구로파'의 2차 회귀곡선식은 y=-42.0912+171.79x+11.047 (R2=0.8946, R=0.9458*)와 y=-50.069x2+157.58x+15.414(R2=0.9343, R=0.9692**) 이었고, 이에 따른 적정 양액농도는 각각 1.68dS·m-1과 1.57dS·m-1수준이었다. 따라서 실파 수경재배시 생육 초기에는 양액을 1.2dS·m-1수준의 저농도로 유지하고 정식 후 30일경인 생육 중기 이후에는 1.6~1.7dS·m-1수준의 농도로 유지하는 것이 효율적이라 여겨진다.
This research investigated the characteristics of fine particle concentration and ionic elements of PM2.5 during sea breeze occurrences during summertime in Busan. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations of summertime sea breeze occurrence days in Busan were 46.5 ㎍/㎥ and 34.9 ㎍/㎥, respectively. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations of summertime non-sea breeze occurrence days in Busan were 25.3 ㎍/㎥ and 14.3 ㎍/㎥, respectively. The PM2.5/PM10 ratios of sea breeze occurrence days and non-sea breeze occurrence days were 0.74 and 0.55, respectively. The SO4 2-, NH4 +, and NO3 - concentrations in PM2.5 of sea breeze occurrence days were 9.20 ㎍/㎥, 4.26 ㎍/㎥, and 3.18 ㎍/㎥ respectively. The sulfur oxidation ratio (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation ratio (NOR) of sea breeze occurrence days were 0.33 and 0.05, respectively. These results indicated that understanding the fine particle concentration and ionic elements of PM2.5 during sea breeze summertime conditions can provide insights useful for establishing a control strategy of urban air quality.
This research investigates the characteristics of metallic and ionic elements in PM10 and PM2.5 on haze day and non-haze day in Busan. PM10 concentration on haze day and non-haze day were 85.75 and 33.52 ㎍/m³ , respectively, and PM2.5 on haze day and non-haze day were 68.24 and 23.86 ㎍/m³ , respectively. Contribution rate of total inorganic water-soluble ion to PM10 mass on haze day and non haze day were 58.2% and 61.5%, respectively, and contribution rate of total water-soluble ion to PM2.5 mass on haze day and non haze day were 58.7% and 64.7%, respectively. Also, contribution rate of secondary ion to PM10 mass on haze day and non haze day were 52.1% and 47.5%, respectively, and contribution rate of secondary ion to PM2.5 mass on haze day and non haze day were 54.4% and 53.6%, respectively. AC (anion equivalents)/CE (cation equivalents) ratio of PM10 mass on haze day and non haze day were 1.09 and 1.0, respectively, and AC/CE ratios of PM2.5 mass on haze day and non haze day were 1.12 and 1.04, respectively. Also, SOR (Sulfur Oxidation Ratio) of PM10 mass on haze day and non haze day were 0.32 and 0.17, respectively, and SOR of PM2.5 on haze day and non haze day were 0.30 and 0.15, respectively. Lastly, NOR (Nitrogen Oxidation Ratio) of PM10 on haze day and non haze day were 0.17 and 0.08, respectively, and NOR of PM2.5 on haze day and non haze day were 0.13 and 0.06, respectively.
This study investigates the characteristics of metallic and ionic elements concentration, concentration according to transport path, and factor analysis in PM10 at Guducsan in Busan in the springtime of 2015. PM10 concentration in Guducsan and Gwaebeopdong were 59.5± 9.04 ㎍/㎥ and 87.5±20.2 ㎍/㎥, respectively. Contribution rate of water-soluble ions and secondary ion in PM10 concentration in Guducsan were 37.0% and 27.8% respectively. [NO3 -/SO4 2-] ratio and contribution rate of sea salt of PM10 in Guducsan and Gwaebeopdong were 0.91 and 1.12, 7.0% and 5.3%, respectively. The results of the backward trajectory analysis indicates that PM10 concentration, total inorganic water-soluble ions and total secondary ions were high when the air parcels moved from Sandong region in China than non-Sandong and northen China to Busan area. The results of the factor analysis at Guducsan indicates that factor 1 was anthropogenic source effects such as automobile emissions and industrial combustion processes, factor 2 was marine sources such as sea salts from sea, and factor 3 was soil component sources.