주남 습지대(6.02 km 2 ) 곤충상의 다양도, 우점도, 풍부도 등을 습지대 내 3곳의 습지에서 조사하였다. 조사방법으로는 육안조사와 쓸어잡기 는 2010년, 말레이즈 트랩 조사는 2011년, 유아등 조사와 함정트랩 조사는 2012년에 실시하였다. 총 14目 141科 574種의 9,269 개체 (딱정벌레목 36.3%, 나비목 21.3%, 잠자리목 13.9%)가 조사되었다. 種數로 비교해 보면, 나비목이 31.2%로 가장 높았고, 그 다음이 딱정벌레목(28.0%) 노린 재목(12.9%) 순이었다. 우점종(총 조사개체에 대한 각 종의 개체수 비율)은 애넓적물땡땡이(Enochrus simulans, 7.9%), 꼬마줄물방개(Hydaticus grammicus, 4.3%), 일본잎벌레(Galerucella nipponensis, 4.1%), 연물명나방(Elophila interruptalis, 3.1%), 양봉꿀벌(Apis mellifera, 2.2%) 순이었 다. 세 곳의 습지에서 조사된 딱정벌레목, 나비목, 잠자리목 곤충의 수는 매우 많았지만 세 습지 간에 차이는 없었다. 주남 습지대의 곤충다양도(H’), 풍부도(RI)는 각각 5.04, 59.10이었다.
본 연구는 내륙인공습지의 생태적 특성 분석을 통하여 효율적 운영 및 관리를 위한 기초정보를 제공하고자 주남저수지 인공습지의 관속식물상과 생활형을 조사하였다. 관속식물상은 48과 118속 147종 1아종 8품종의 총 156분류군이 확인되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 가시연꽃, 자라풀, 눈여뀌바늘 등 11 분류군이 확인되었다. 귀화식물은 소리쟁이, 좀개소시랑개비, 털별꽃아재비, 돼지풀 등 26분류군이 확인되었으며, 귀화율과 도시화지수는 각각 16.7%와 8.1%였다. 국화과 식물이 전체 귀화식물의 절반을 차지하였다. 생활형 분석 결과, 일년생식물과 수생식물의 비율이 가장 높았으며, 이들 두 생활형이 전체 관속식물상의 73.8%를 차지하였다. 수생식물은 구와말, 네가래, 생이가래 등 48분류군이 출현하였으며, 정수식물의 비율이 가장 높은 것으로 분석되었다.
 ,  , Terrestrial insect fauna was surveyed in the Junam wetland area, which consists of the Junam, Dongpan, and Sannam wetlands, by visual counting and pictures. A sweep net collection was conducted from May to October 2010. A neighburing artificial lotus wetland was also surveyed for comparison. A total of 5,730 insects were surveyed, representing 268 species in 85 families and 12 orders. Sixty-three species of coleopterans were surveyed, followed by 60 species of Lepidoptera, and 37 species of Hemiptera. Coleopteran individuals were 25.9% of the total insect numbers surveyed, comprising most abundant group. This was followed by Odonata, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera at 22.3%, 15.4%, and 12.7%, respectively. In total, 197 species were surveyed in the Dongpan wetland, 175 in the Junam wetland, and 154 species in the Sannam wetlands. However, only 86 species were surveyed in the artificial lotus wetland. Galerucella nipponensis in Coleoptera, Crocothemis servilia mariannae in Odonata, and Polygonia c-aureum in Lepidoptera were the most abundant in all four wetlands. Community analyses showed that the dominance index was highest in the artificial lotus wetland at 0.25 and lowest in Junam wetland at 0.08. Diversity indices were relatively high in all wetlands at 4.48, 4.44, 4.28, and 3.87 in Junam, Dongpan, Sannam, and the artificial lotus wetland, respectively. The insect fauna similarity index was highest in the Junam and Dongpan wetlands at 0.96. The lotus wetland showed the lowest similarity of the three wetlands with values of 0.45-0.53.
This study was conducted to provide the basic information for making the plans on reasonable conservation of inland wetlands by analysis the vascular plant and life form at Dongpan and Sannam wetland in Junam reservoir, Changwon City. The vascular plants at Dongpan and Sannam wetland were 162 taxa, 58 families, 130 genera, 148 species, 2 subspecies, 1 forma, 11 varieties, and 117 taxa, 45 families, 97 genera, 107 species, 1 forma, and 9 varieties, respectively. The Pte-Q (Pteridophyta Index) was 0.31 at Dongpan and 0.43 at Sannam. The endangered plants by designated Korea Forest Service were 3 taxa including Euryale ferox, Aristolochia contorta and Hydrocharis dubia. The specific plants by floristic region were 11 taxa at Dongpan wetland, and 8 taxa at Sannam wetland. The naturalized plants were 28 taxa including Rumex crispus, Phytolacca americana at Dongpan wetland, and 12 taxa including Lepidium apetalum, Erigeron annuus at Sannam wetland. Therophyte by life form had the highest ratio at two wetlands. Hydrophyte at Dongpan and Sannam wetland were 22 and 21 taxa, respectively.