논 습지는 다양한 야생동물들의 주요 서식공간으로, 급 격한 개발 및 환경 변화로 인해 논에 서식하는 야생동물의 생물 다양성 보전에 위협이 되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 서해안에 위치한 논 습지를 이용하는 무미 양서류의 서식지 이용 특성을 규명하고자 2018년 3월부터 10월까지 당진시 대호 간척 농지에 서식하는 양서류의 풍부도와 서식 환경을 바탕으로 종들에게 영향을 끼친 주요 환경 요인을 파악하고, 서식지 이용 특성을 알아보았다. 연구 결과 조사 지역에서는 금개구리 (Pelophylax chosenicus)를 포함하여 참개구리 (P. nigromaculatus)와 청개구리 (Hyla japonica) 의 서식이 확인되었다. 3종에 영향을 끼치는 환경 요인으로 기온과 습도, 수심, 미소 서식지로 확인되었고, 청개구리는 수온에 영향을 받고 있었으며, 금개구리는 벼의 길이와 농법의 유형에 영향을 받고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 3종은 모두 기온과 습도, 수심이 증가할수록 개체수가 증가 하는 경향을 보였고, 모내기한 필지를 가장 많이 이용했으 며, 번식 시기에는 미소 서식지 요인 중 필지를 가장 선호 하고 있어 조사지역이 3종의 주요 번식지로 이용되고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 금개구리는 관행에 비해 친환경 농지에서 더 많이 관찰되었는데, 이는 포식자와 제초작업으로 인한 주변 환경의 차이로 인한 원인으로 보인다. 본 연구를 통해 논에 서식하는 무미 양서류 3종이 선호하는 환경 요인은 종에 따라 다른 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과는 무미 양서류 보전에 중요한 자료를 제공할 것이다.
In the Sosan reclamation land constructed by Hyundai Co,1984, the basic soil test and electric resistivity survey are carried out for the soft grounds around Tee and Kkot islands composed of tuffbreccia, and granite, respectively. The soil of soft grounds are classified as sandy clay(SC) and sandy silt(SM) in the Tee island, and as sandy silt(SM) in Kkot island according to the unified standard classification system. The vertical distribution of the electric resistivity is identified 4 layes with the value 30∼224 Ωm, 3∼59 Ωm, 0.15∼1.5 Ωm, 110∼1280 Ωm(Tee island:112∼122 Ωm, Kkot island:1260∼1283 Ωm), and the layers are interpreted as aeration layer, freshwater saturated layer, seaweater saturated layer, weathered layer, and basement rock respectively. The electric resistivity value decreases with increase of salinity, and pore water and clay mineral content.
In Korean coastal areas, land reclamations are main development projects that should be based on environmental impact assessment(EIA), because those human interventions can change coastlines, damage tidal flats, and pollute adjacent areas to threat seafood safety and devaluate overall ecosystem service value. Existing procedures of the EIA for land reclamation projects were diagnosed and evaluated to enhance them. Problems were identified in the designation of survey areas, the consistency in survey sites and periods, the standardization of survey methods and reports, the confidence of survey results and the verification of predictions. Lack of integration was noticeable and could be improved by synthesizing different assessments from topography․geography, marine physics, marine chemistry and marine biology. We suggest that successful precautionary marine environment management requires readjusting the cost of EIA, recruiting experts in marine environment, constructing database and establishing specialized assessment system.
This study presents an investigation of the changes of the currents in Kwangyang Bay due to the construction of harbor, reclamation and coastal developments. Currents were simulated by the numerical experiments with a diagnostic multi-level model and using the seasonal oceanographic data of temperature, salinity and ocean current. The values of kinetic and potential energies for the currents were calculated in cases of three topographical changes; before coastal developments, the existing state and after completion of the development project in Kwangyang Bay. The changes of currents due to the coastal developments are as follow; Kinetic energies of tide induced residual currents and wind driven currents decreased by 35~40 percent and 5 percent respectively, however those of density currents increased by 10 percent since the decrease of the coastal areas. Kinetic energy of residual currents including tide induced residual currents, density currents and wind driven currents reduced by 10 percent compared with before the coastal developments. Decrease of current velocity was greatest in summer. Therefore, in summer it was assumed that the Kwangyang Bay is more easily polluted by stratification and decrease of residual current than before the coastal developments carried out.