Bioreactors are devices used by sewage treatment plants to process sewage and which produce active sludge, and sediments separated by solid-liquid are treated in anaerobic digestion tanks. In anaerobic digestion tanks, the volume of active sludge deposits is reduced and biogas is produced. After dehydrating the digestive sludge generated after anaerobic digestion, anaerobic digested wastewater, which features a high concentration of organic matters, is generated. In this study, the decomposition of organic carbon and nitrogen was studied by advanced oxidation process. Ozone-microbubble flotation process was used for oxidation pretreatment. During ozonation, the TOC decreased by 11.6%. After ozone treatment, the TOC decreased and the removal rate reached 80.4% as a result of the Ultra Violet-Advanced Oxidation Process (UV-AOP). The results with regard to organic substances before and after treatment differed depending on the organic carbon index, such as CODMn, CODCr, and TOC. Those indexes did not change significantly in ozone treatment, but decreased significantly after the UV-AOP process as the linkage treatment, and were removed by up to 39.1%, 15.2%, and 80.4%, respectively. It was confirmed that biodegradability was improved according to the ratio of CODMn to TOC. As for the nitrogen component, the ammonia nitrogen component showed a level of 3.2×102 mg/L or more, and the content was maintained at 80% even after treatment. Since most of the contaminants are removed from the treated water and its transparency is high, this water can be utilized as a resource that contains high concentrations of nitrogen.
In this study, the applicability of reduction-oxidation-linked treatment was evaluated for nitrobenzene and a by-product by analyzing the reaction kinetics. Nitrobenzene showed very low reactivity to persulfate that was activated using various methods. Nitrobenzene effectively reacted through the reduction process using Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI). However, aniline, a toxic substance, was produced as a by-product. Reduction-oxidation-linked treatment is a method that can allow the oxidative degradation of aniline after reducing nitrobenzene to aniline. The experimental results show improved reactivity and complete decomposition of the by-product. Improved reactivity and decomposition of the by-product were observed even under conditions in which the reduction-oxidation reaction was induced simultaneously. No activator was injected for persulfate activation in the process of reducing oxidant linkage, and the activation reaction was induced by ferrous iron eluted from the ZVI. This indicates that this method can be implemented relatively simply.
닭의장풀(Commelina communis L., Dayflower) 추출물의 미백효능을 확인하기 위하여 B16 melanoma 세포를 이용하여 melanin 생성에 관련된 다양한 실험을 실시하였다. 닭의장풀 추출물은 버섯 tyrosinase 활성 실험에서 저해 효과를 보이지 않았으나, melanin 생성 저해효과를 나타내었다. B16-F10 멜라노마 세포를 이용한 활성시험 결과에서, 닭의장풀 추출물은 1,000 µg/mL의 농도에서 약 32 %의 멜라닌 생성을 억제하였으며, 세포내 티로시나제 활성 억제 능도 우수하여 닭의장풀 추출물 250 µg/mL 이상의 농도에서 50 % 이상의 저해 효과를 보였다. 추출물의 melanin 생성 기작에 대한 영향을 조사한 결과, melanin 합성의 key protein인 tyrosinase 발현의 우수한 저해 능력을 보였고, tyrosinase related protein-1 (TRP-1)의 발현 억제와 tyrosinase related protein-2 (TRP-2)의 N-glycosylation 억제를 통해 melanin 합성이 억제되는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 닭의장풀 추출물은 melanin 합성에 필수적인 효소(tyrosinase, TRP-1)의 발현 저해 및 TRP-2의 N-glycosylation 억제를 통해 미백 효과를 나타내는 것으로 확인되었으며, 이에 따라 본 추출물은 melanin 합성의 효소 경로를 저해하는 미백 소재로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.