
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Liriomyza leafminer flies comprise a pest group that causes both considerable economic losses and serious quarantine problems. To investigate Liriomyza spp. abundance and distribution along with natural enemies, we surveyed of leafminer (LM) species and its natural enemies (NE) on potato crop from 146 farmers’ field in the potato growing provinces during 2015. Sweeping (10 sweeps/ field) and visual inspection were employed within 5 minute-walking distance, and damaged leaflets (10 leaflets/ field) were collected in each field. Leafminer species were identified by morphological, and its NE was identified by morphological and molecular techniques. L. huidobrensis was the most dominant Liriomyza species. Distribution of L. huidobrensis on potato fields was expanding. Highest potato fields were infested with leafminer in southern parts of country. Highest rate (100%) field damage was recorded in Miryang, Namwon, Henam, and Boseong. Overall, NE species collected constituted of 4 families and 18 and 20 species in sweeping, and damaged samples respectively. There was a rich complex of parasitoid species including 20 species (13 species of Eulophidae family). The endoparasitoid, Braconid sp., Ganaspidium sp., and ectoparasitoid, Diglyphus isaea were dominant species in sweeping. While Diglyphus isaea, Hemiptarsenus varicornis, and the Braconid sp. were most dominant species collected from damaged samples. The number and diversity of parasitoid species in potato crop in Korea provides insight into the development of integrated control strategies of invasive LM pests in the field, and glasshouse crops.