
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aspects of the liu shu 六書 theory continue to be used today to analyse Chinese characters, yet most scholars are unaware of the historical context out of which the theory emerged and the controversies surrounding its both initial and subsequent interpretations. I trace the origins of the theory to the Eastern Han and compare its three earliest rival formulations. Subsequent centuries saw a proliferation of interpretations which rendered any attempt at a unified vision of Chinese writing impossible. The trend of adding new explanations was only reversed by the Qing scholars Dai Zhen and Duan Yucai who, drawing on some of the earliest explanations, argued that the theory encapsulated not only the way characters were composed but also their exegesis. Even if they laid the ground for a shared interpretation, Dai and Duan’s take on the Eastern Han scholar Xu Shen did not go unchallenged. I discuss Zhang Taiyan’s and Lu Zongda’s criticism and their attempts to reconcile aspects of the traditional framework with modern linguistics. I finally contrast this updating of an ancient theory with the approach of Qiu Xigui who selectively discards one of the principles and thereby the very feasibility of the framework as a whole.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yang Shen (1488-1559) was born in Si Chuan Xin Dou. 《Ming Shi》 said that Yang Shen is the most famous for the extensive memorization and abundant writings. Yang Shen also contributed to the philology researches. According to Wang Wen Cai’s 《Yang Shen Xue Pu》, Yang Shen had many kinds of writings, such as 《Shuo Wen Xian Xun》, 《Liu Shu Lian Zheng》, 《Liu Shu Bo Zheng》 etc., but most of them are disappeared. 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》was thought that it’s disappeared, it can be found in the library of RENMIN UNIVERSITY of CHINA. It was included in 《Si Ku Quan Shu Cun Mu Cong Shu》. From Yang Shen’s 《Liu Shu Suo Yin-Introduction》, we knows that Yang Shen was based on abundant philology researches to appear his research system. Yang Shen had different academic judgements for each text researchers’s theories to appear Yang Shen’s conceptions of “Zhuan Zhu Gu Yin”. 《Qin Ding Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu》 was based on the the text textual content to comment Yang Shen’s 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 negative. We can discuss the comment is appropriate or not? 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 is distinguished into rhyme, so it had its own system. These researches are related to Yang Shen’s other research works in Xiao Xue. In philology researches, we can investigate Yang Shen’s contribution to philology researches with 《Liu Shu Suo Yin》 to clarify and analyze.